Sky - April 2020
Cade forgave me, accepting my apology, and moved on. It makes life so much easier, and I’m grateful he doesn’t hold a grudge. All I can do now is to keep my nose out of his business. I shouldn’t have forced my view of family onto him. He’s made his stance known about the issue, yet I ignored him by pushing my needs. It’s not right. Besides, Cade is such an exceptional person. I must be better, especially as his wife. But deep down, knowing he’s giving Seth and Julia a chance brings on a warm feeling.
The sun is beaming down, so I sit outside with Armstrong, writing a list of people to invite to the wedding. I scribble down the sisters’ names, his parents, and Olivia, with a question mark. I don’t know why I put her on the list, but I’ve been missing her a lot lately. Even though the club has become my family, Olivia was one of the first people to accept me for who I am. I’ve considered asking Cade to search for her on the computer, but he has enough on his plate.
Dinner is about ready when Cade comes home. I always miss him when he’s not around. His large body, warmth, and loving nature has me worshiping his presence. He comes outside. I jump into his arms, and he catches me, following it with a kiss.
I run my fingers through his hair and ask, “Did you miss me?”
His beautiful smile warms my heart. “Always.” He puts me down and asks, “What’s for dinner?”
“Spaghetti and meatballs and a salad.”
Cade smacks my butt before walking into the house.
During dinner, I ask, “Cade, I’m unsure I’ll be ready for a wedding in less than a month.”
“The club women are already working on it. They’re getting things together, and I guess they’ll talk to you at some point.”
I slump in my chair. “Why are they doing that? It’s our wedding?”
“Because the reception will be at the club.”
My frustration rises as I focus on my lap.
“Sky, I thought you knew it would be at the club.”
I shake my head. “No. I mean, I recall Howler saying something about planning the wedding, but I assumed I’d be part of it.”
He places his hand on top of mine. “Hey, Love, no one will do anything without your approval. I’ll talk to them.”
My face strikes a smile. “I’d want the sisters to attend the wedding.”
Cade takes his hand away. “I’m not sure the club is the best place for the sisters.” I let out a quietokay. “Look at me, Sky.” I do and he continues, “I’ll talk to the members to see what they think and if they can be on their best behavior. How’s that?” My enthusiastic nod makes him laugh.
“Can I ask one more thing?”
“Anything, Princess.”
“I had this friend in Salt Lake City. I’d like to find her and have her attend the wedding. Can I use your laptop to search for her?”
“It’s yours.”
When we finish eating, Cade leaves for the club and I google Olivia Brooks. I notice she has a social media account, but itappears she hasn’t updated in three months. It shows she’s not in a relationship, so I’m assuming Matt is no longer in the picture. The last posts are of her paintings. This is all the information there is about her.
I call Ms. Babs to see if she’s seen Olivia. She says she did about three weeks ago. Ms. Babs isn’t one for gossip, but she tells me Olivia didn’t seem well. Her hair was in knots, unclean, and she assumes she’s homeless. This makes me cry. The thought of beautiful Olivia living on the streets while I got lucky with an angel, is gut-wrenching.
After we hang up, I Google Christoff McDonald. He’s been out of my mind since the attack. Between healing and Cade’s and my relationship, I forgot about that part of my past. Now that I’m on the computer, I become curious. I come across an article from last year. A small blip about a paralyzed man found in the streets, bloodied, loss of speech, with a picture of Christoff in the hospital. The article was asking for anyone who knew him to please contact the local police.
I take in a sharp breath. What happened to him? Whatever jobs he was doing weren’t honest ones. When he came to my work, and lost his wits, he shouted how he missed out on a job because he was looking for me instead of doing a run. A run for what? I guess he expected me to remain at the gas station. Christoff had a black eye then.
My thoughts drift to when Cade invited me to the club for Thanksgiving. I remember Cade’s words when I mentioned being afraid of Christoff. He said, “He’ll never hurt you again. You don’t have to be afraid of him anymore.” Did Cade come across this article in the paper? Is that why he said that to me?
Cade comes home, changes into his usual without a shirt, which I’m always grateful for, and gets comfortable in the living room. He gives me a kiss before pouring a drink and turning on the television. I click around on his laptop, searching for anymore information on Olivia or Christoff, but nothing else comes up.
With his ankles crossed on the table, drink in hand, he turns to me and says, “I talked to the ladies. They’ll be by tomorrow to discuss the wedding and the guys will be on their best behavior. The sisters can come.”
“Thank you, Cade.” I wait while he takes another sip before saying, “After searching for an old friend, I typed in Christoff’s name and found an article from last year.”