Courtney smiled and asked, “Would you like a drink?”

The other women were having white wine. “I’ll take a glass of whatever you’re drinking.” She called the server over and requested another.

My hands trembled in my lap. I forgot how nerve-wracking it was to meet new people. Out of my league, yet I couldn’t pass up their generosity. We all ordered, and Estelle explained what the committee entailed, along with the different charities.

“Dear Wren, we all try to do what we can for the charities. It’s not a full-time job, but we spend an awful amount of time coming up with inventive ways to raise money over drinks.” We laughed at her comment.

Brigitte cut in and said, “She’s right. I enjoy my glass of wine with the ladies.”

The committee met once a month to discuss how to raise money regarding the type of event. There were two to three events a year, one being at the end of the year and the biggest of them all. Charities ranged from international to domestic needs to medical. These womens’ fortunes didn’t hinder their appreciation for what they had in life. They shared their wealth toward noble causes.

Discussions flowed as well as the wine, but I lagged with drinking. I sat back, listened, and observed the women interact with one another. They didn’t outshine the others or brag about their riches; they delighted in hearing what the others were up to, funny stories, and a spattering of gossip. Estelle lost her husband a few years back to cancer, so her personal experience drove efforts toward cancer research. Brigitte was on her third husband, hoping it would stick this time. Margaret never married. She came from money, and she said that instead of wasting it on a divorce, she wanted to invest her time in charities. The wealthy lifestyle was new to Courtney, who recently married a billionaire, so she had little interaction with the ladies. Then the women turned to me.

Brigitte had the giggles after her third glass of wine and asked, “I have to know, Wren. How did you tame Finn long enough to get a ring on your finger? He’s exquisite, gracious, and at every event, has his own little female fan club.”

Estelle touched her hand to hush her. “She means nothing by it.”

“No, on the contrary,” Brigitte said. “I think it’s wonderful Finn is going to settle down, and he picked the perfect woman.”

Margaret chimed in. “I’d have to agree. Finn is a delight. Ugly, fat, skinny, old. I’ve never seen him disrespect or be rude to anyone, especially women. He’s always courteous.” She bent her head down and smiled when she said, “And he is handsome. I’ve melted when looking into his beautiful eyes.”

Courtney’s smile widened when she said, “Now I’m intrigued. I’ve got to meet him. Do you have a picture?”

I shook my head. “I’m not good with picture taking.”

Brigitte picked up where she left off. “How did you meet, Wren? Did he sweep you off your feet?”

I let out a warmed chuckle. “First, thank you for your kind words. I appreciate it.”

Far from sweeping me off my feet. More like he sniffed out a fool and dangled a wad of cash in front of my nose.

My one hand rested in my lap while the other turned the stem of the wineglass. “It was by accident. I fell into him at a club and tore his pants.”

A howl came from Brigitte. “Hopefully you tore them in the right place.”

Estelle took a quick intake of air and said, “Oh, Brigitte!”

“Oh darling, it’s fun to learn how the young snatch their men. Finn is divine, and I must have Wren’s secret.” She wiggled her finger at my cheek. “I bet the dimple is your secret weapon.”

I let out a breathyha, and said, “Finn has one of his own, so mine is of no use.”

After deflecting questions, the ladies shifted their attention to other matters. I excused myself to cool down and check my phone.

Finn sent a text a half hour ago.We have a dinner meeting at 6:00 pm at the Stone Inn. A dress would be nice. Let me know you got this text.

I checked the time and typed;I’ll be there.

Back in the summer, they planned the December charity gala. They dropped the ball, informing me of the two-part celebration: a Casino Royale event where a percentage of each table’s winnings go to charity, and a Bachelor Auction for a date, which included Finn. As if it had just occurred to them, they apologized and said they’ll remove him from the auction. I told them to keep him. If the charity can get a decent amount for a date with him, I didn’t have a problem with it. We said our goodbyes with a meetup a couple of weeks before the charity event on Wednesday, December 29.

I made it to the Inn prior to 6:00 pm. While I waited for the host, someone’s hand slipped into mine, causing me to shy away until I noticed it was Finn.

“Red is your color.” Compliments flipped a switch in me, impeding my speech. I aimed the blush of my face to the ground. “You ready?” I nodded, and as we made our way to the table, he gave me a bit of information about the client and his wife. A young Tito, and his wife, Maria Martinez, a self-made millionaire after creating and selling an app five years later. They planned to expand their portfolio. Arriving at the table, the couple astounded me. Tito had his black hair slicked back, a kept goatee, and skin like a cappuccino. Maria had flawless, glistening skin, long, dark, straight hair and a flair for fashion with a stylish cream color pants outfit and a top that plunged down to her belly button. I didn’t know how to even charm them when I was charmed myself.

Tito stood and gave a small bow before we all sat, me closer to Maria.

After introductions, Maria said to me, “It’s so nice to meet such a beautiful young woman as yourself. Most of Tito’s meetings contain stuffy, old, perverted men.” She looked toward Finn and added, “And your husband is definitely not stuffy or old. You’re a lucky woman.”

My fingers caressed the pads of my hands to simmer down. “Thank you so much. By the way, your outfit is gorgeous.”