She flipped her hands, as if dismissing the idea. “It was a quick decision. I hope my nipples don’t fall out of it.”
I laughed along with her while Tito gazed at his wife. He then spoke to Finn. “I’m excited about working together. I did a little research on you. For a young man, your achievements are impressive.”
Finn lifted his glass of wine, as if to toast, and said, “Not any more impressive than yours.” They took a drink and dived into business.
Maria and I, mostly Maria, talked about things of no interest to me, yet I wasn’t about to let her know. Her mannerisms echoed her boredom with a roll of her eyes aimed at Tito, or a flirtatious glance at a server. Whatever she talked about, I put as much enthusiasm as possible regarding fashion, makeup, jewelry, and anything of large monetary value. Her wedding ring was twice the size of my engagement ring. Thank God Finn didn’t fish deeper into his pockets.
If she wasn’t talking by fluttering her hands in the air, or browsing the room, her gaze floated to Finn.
“I thought my husband was the only scrumptious male I’ve met, but yours is delish.” She elbowed me. “Aw, don’t take it the wrong way. A little rivalry helps a marriage.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re new to the whole marriage thing, so let me give you some advice.” I didn’t bother to correct her we weren’t married yet. “Men love women tiffs. It makes them feel wanted.” She looked at Finn. “I’m sure you’ll have quarrels with how handsome your husband is.”
My mouth dropped. Her incredulity astounded me. How does one respond to something like that? “I don’t need to boost my husband’s self-esteem by bickering with other women who desire him.”
“On the contrary. He’ll be desiring you more if you exert jealousy.”
I had no comeback for it. If I said something, it would only create a scene. She was the quintessential diva of narcissism, demands, and drama. Our short dinner with them revealed her childish ways of trying to get Tito’s attention by running her hand along his thigh or forearm, whispering in his ear, or hanging on his side. He’d lower his voice and chide her in frustration, which turned her attention to gossiping about people she knew within her circle of friends. Maria requested the server for more wine while licking her lips to tantalize him.
Exhausted with her behavior, I counted the minutes until we left to relax on the drive home. Sadly, Finn was in a talkative mood.
“What do you think about Tito and Maria?”
I rolled my eyes at him. “You’re kidding, right?” His opened mouth showed he wasn’t kidding. “Maria is the biggest diva I met. She’s insufferable” Before he could intervene, I continued, “Everything she talked about was superficial and materialistic.” I lifted my finger for him to wait. “But I went along with her and laughed.”
His lip lifted. “She was like that?”
I gave a head roll toward him. “I’m sure her beauty blinded you from her ugly personality, and ugly or nice, you’d probably still sleep with her.”
Finn’s face hardened. “There’s a lot about me you don’t know.”
I smirked at his comment. “I know enough to make such a comment.”
“I don’t get you. You bitch that I’m always rude, and then when I try to talk to you, you make snide comments.”
Light raindrops hit the window, and I followed a drop with my finger.
Finn waited for me to respond, but I left it alone. “Forget it! In the future, I’ll make sure not to disturb your antisocial, bitchy attitude.”
His comment got to me. My attitude toward him was standoffish. My way of keeping my distance so I didn’t get hurt. He did too many things already to unhinge my nerves. Finn’s presence made me nervous. Attractive, a devil in disguise, intimidating, dominating, all traits I had no experience handling, so being reserved and spiteful was my only reaction.
Chapter 12 – Thanks for Nothing
The Thanksgiving celebration was at my brother’s house. Over the past week and a half, Wren and I had brief contact other than greetings. Every time I reached out to have some sort of conversation with her, she came at me with an attitude. I was sick of it. However, I acclimated Wren into my life, so the option to cancel the contract no longer existed.
On the drive to Carter’s, she offered to sit in back to let Cole sit in front, but he refused. She gazed out the window, lost in thought, while Cole and I talked. I stole glances at her. When she came down the stairs, I had to coax my dick to settle down. She looked like a doll—adorable—with a short black knit dress cinched at the waist and a thin knit belt with two fluffy balls on the end over patterned black tights and ankle boots. My mind drifted in the wrong direction. I imagined ripping the tights, the smell of her heady arousal, burying balls deep inside her.
Shit! This fantasizing isn’t helping to tame the swell of my cock. I hate thinking about her in any other way than a contract.
Our small Thanksgiving family gathering comprised of Carter, Lindsey, Cole, Wren, and I. Of course, Wren, a temporary family member. One ring of the doorbell and Carter opened it with a heartfelt embrace. He was the best brother I ever could want. He pulled Cole and me into a group hug, and without waiting for Wren to protest, he wrapped his arms around her, picked her up, and swung around. Her expression combined terror and appreciation. Lindsey ran over to save her by taking her coat. She finally had another woman to talk to during our small family celebrations.
“Wren, you look adorable! I love the entire outfit.” She ushered everyone inside. “Can I get you anything to drink?”
Wren walked into the living room, which opened into the kitchen, glancing around at the décor. Her mouth ajar in astonishment, she turned to Lindsey. “Oh, whatever’s open. Your home is beautiful.”