She tossed her napkin at me. We ordered, and they filled me in on their lives. Maddie found a new job in retail. She told us to contact her if we ever wanted a discount on clothes. She also revealed that she won a thousand dollars at the nearby casino’s blackjack table. We clapped and Nat said, “Then lunch is on Maddie,” which made us laugh. Nat’s clientele had increased. No surprise, since she was a great hairstylist. She also had gone on some dates, took a spin in bed, yet none of them panned out. Nat was open about sex, telling me she experimented once with a woman. However, she chose men to continue the dirty deed.
Four hours and a few drinks later, we promised to get together again soon, and headed out. While walking to my car in the near empty parking lot, I had the biggest smile on my face. Maddie and Nat had exited the lot as I gave a wave. I couldn’t recall the last time I laughed so much. With their jokes and banter, they erased any of my worries.
The sound of footsteps from behind startled me. My breathing and steps picked up. Their walking increased, too. No one was around. The restaurant sat back from the main road, concealed by bushes. I slipped my hand into my purse to grab the pepper spray. Without thinking, I turned, pulled the spray out, and squeezed the trigger.
The guy yelped and cursed, while trying to wipe at his eyes. “Shit! Why the hell did you do that?”
Once I realized it was an old colleague, I put the can away and fanned his face. “Chris! I’m so sorry. I didn’t know who was following.” Scrounging through my purse, I was too nervous to locate my phone.
He shouted, “Then look before… fuck, this hurts.”
I told him to follow me as he stumbled behind. “Is it in both eyes?”
“No,” he coughed before he continued. “Just in one.”
“Stop rubbing.” He had redness all around his left eye when I pushed his hand away. “I once read to remove whatever clothing the spray came into contact with and I’ll pour water over your eye.”
He dropped his coat and took off his shirt while I fetched a water bottle in my car. When I came back around, I avoided making his half-nakedness an issue. He had a nice body, but it didn’t compare to Finn’s. I poured water into his eye as he continued to curse.
Why did I just compare their bodies? It’s wrong.
“Chris, please forgive me. I’m so sorry.” He coughed more. “The effects should dissipate in about ten to thirty minutes. Can you see from the other eye?” He opened his eye a slit and nodded.
“Get in my passenger side. We’ll wait and if it doesn’t get better, I’ll take you to a medical center.” I retrieved his coat and shirt.
He got in, his head on the headrest, eyes closed. I placed his clothes between us and handed him a cloth doused with water to put on his eye.
We didn’t speak as he cursed and coughed. After about ten minutes, he removed the cloth, blinked open his eye, and continued blinking.
“It’s getting better.” Chris turned to me. “Why did you spray me with pepper spray?”
My leg bounced up and down. “I panicked. Your footsteps followed at the same pace, so I grabbed the spray.”
“Next time fucking look before you do it.”
I glanced out the windshield and saw a man taking pictures. My mind reverted to Chris and to what I had done. I choked back the tears.
“You’re right. I should have looked first.” It came out in a croaky voice.
Chris glanced over at me, shook his head, and laughed. “At least I won’t sneak up on you again.”
I offered a slight smile before looking into my lap.
“Don’t worry, Wren. I’m better.”
Without turning to him, I asked, “Why were you following me?”
“I wasn’t. I noticed you and tried catching up. You walk damn fast.”
We both let out a light chuckle.
After a few minutes of silence, Chris asked, “How have you been? The place isn’t the same without you.”
I grinned at his comment. “I’m sure the place is doing fine without me.”
His hand grasped mine, and I froze. “I miss you.”
The bubble of nerves expanded into my throat, causing me to cough, which made him release my hand. I leaned toward my door.