But he only struck air in a loudwhoosh.
Magnus was kneeled, anticipating the attack, and chopped his sword against Grim’s thigh.
Gasps rose up around the Sticks at the sound of the wooden crack. The loudest gasp came from me.
They stuck their poses—Magnus on his knees, cock-level with Grim, with his sword slashed across his leg; Grim barely moving from the hit, staring down at his opponent.
My mouth fell open. I inadvertently clapped my hands.
“Bout, Magnus,” Hersir Osfen called out. He had a slightly bemused look in his eyes, as if he was surprised Grim lost.
Magnus stood and Grim put his arm out. They shook, a half-smile on Grim’s face. The bloodrender sauntered over to me, his pale face filled with sweat, chest heaving.
“You freaking won!” I yelled, clapping him on the back.
His voice went low. “Yeah, sure. But I cheated when no one was looking.”
I snorted. That was what I’d suspected, but I wasn’t about to snitch on him. “You drew your blood when all eyes turned to Sven and Ulf’s fight, and then Shaped it to amplify your speed, didn’t you?”
“Yes. Clever, silvermoon.”
I winked at him, smacking his shoulder. “Well, I’m pretty sure Grim would be the first to say there’s no such thing as cheating in a fight. A win is a win.”
“I like the way you think. I’ll take it.” He sighed, throwing his wooden sword down. “Gods, that man is a beast in the ring.” He looked down at his sword. “Pain in the ass we have to use that, too. I’d rather use daggers. Get up closer.”
“I know.” I was a specialist with a spear, which was a common weapon in shield walls, but the sword was what we were being trained with. So, I had no say in what weapon I chose, and neither did any other initiate.
Glancing over Magnus’ shoulder, I saw Randi standing alone with her thoughts. She hadn’t so much as glanced at me, and it hurt to see her so wound up and pissed off. She was never likethat. I knew she was only angry at herself, and I had half a mind to go over there and try to console her.
I also knew Randi Ranttir was not someone who would want my pity. She was likely focusing herself for her upcoming bouts against the other failed initiates, so she could try to reclaim her honor and pass the final.
It didn’t matter if I wanted to console her or not, because Hersir Osfen’s voice rang out and ripped me back to my immediate situation.
“Initiate Ravinica Linmyrr, step into the Sticks. You’re up next.”
Chapter 31
THIS WAS RAVINICA’Smoment. For months now, she’d known this fight against me was coming. I knew she had prepared for it, though not much with me, strangely.
Maybe she didn’t want me to know her secret battle tactics. I respected that.
I wanted nothing more than to go easy on her. But everyone was watching, they knew how I fought, and I couldn’t just switch it off. I was too competitive.