There was disappointment in Grim’s eyes, crinkling the corners. He had trained Randi. I wasn’t sure if he was disappointed in her or himself, for not training her better.
Problem was, he had shown her everything he could. She knew how to take on taller, stronger opponents . . . even though Grim was not like other big opponents. He was a tier above. His technique was unbreakable, unflappable.
Still, when push came to shove, Randi buckled under the pressure and failed the final. She was angry when she stood, with a pinched face, close to tears. Hersir Osfen made her stand aside to battle other initiates in a “loser’s bracket.”
Randi would get a chance to pass the final still, albeit with an asterisk. Now she would need to defeat three initiates from other teams who also ended up losing their rounds.
As for our team, Magnus Feldraug was up next against Grim. The bloodrender was skilled, I knew, but his skill set was geared toward uncanny runeshaping more than it was swordplay.
He gave as good as he got. Grim was better, but Magnus was relentless. He didn’t look sickly anymore, so he fought and kept pace with Grim.
The bear shifter managed to nick Magnus in the wrist at one point, and Magnus cursed loudly and dropped his blade, flapping out his hand.
“Fucking hell,” he growled.
“Lost your hand, Feldraug,” Hersir Osfen announced. “You’d be useless in a fight now. Bout, Grim.”
Magnus flared his nostrils and scowled at the shorter, stockier Hersir, before swinging the scowl over to Grim.
Other bystanders had moved onto other Sticks to watch some bouts play out among Sven’s crew. He was whooping his younger brother’s ass, and seemed to be having a grand time embarrassing Ulf.
Randi, arms crossed petulantly, scoffed with derision as she watched the older wolf shifter take out her boyfriend in two quick bouts.
I figured Sven would relent during the third match to let his younger brother pass, and that was exactly what happened. Hersir Osfen had moved over to watch that fight play out, and then landed an expectant gaze at Sven Torfen.
“You let up easy because he’s your kin, Torfen,” the Hersir said in a disapproving tone.
Sven tilted his head. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, sir. Ulf beat me fair and square.”
When Axel spun around to return to our Sticks, Sven gave me a smirk and a wink over the Hersir’s shoulder.
My eyes moved back to Grim and Magnus as Axel arrived to officiate.
Before they started their second bout, my brow furrowed when I noticed something odd about Magnus. The veins of his arms looked more vascular. He’d lost the trench coat, realizing itslowed him down, and wore a tank top underneath, showing off his scars, tattoos, and wiry muscles.
More than a few girls and boys stared at him and whispered to each other, which made me slightly jealous. I clenched my teeth together, narrowing my eyes.What are you planning this round, bloodrender?
Quickly enough, I learned.
Magnus moved like a madman when the bout began, taking the offensive and charging Grim, putting him on his back heel.
Grim’s eyes widened, surprised at Magnus’ tenacity.
And that’s when I saw it: a trickle of blood dripping down Magnus’ elbow, from inside the meaty part of his right forearm. His sword arm.
The second bout lasted ages, with Grim and Magnus circling each other. Grim was on the defensive against an opponent for the first time all session.
Just when I thought Grim would turn it around and Magnus would lose steam, they shocked me.
Grim moved in for a kill shot, closing the ground with the lanky initiate and slamming his shield at him—using it as a weapon.
Magnus skittered out of the way,spunlike a damned ballerina, and managed to move behind Grim.
I’d never seen anyone get behind Grim when he didn’t want them to be there.
Even with that, Grim was already spinning, his sword leading him in a vicious hack that would surely take a man’s head off if it was real steel and not wood.
His arm brought him around in a circle, and he bared his teeth in a growl as he expected to hit the flesh of Magnus’ arm—