“I’m not scared of you, Lincoln, I’m scared that I’m falling for you, and you’re going out of your way to make it easy for me to lose you.”
My gaze snaps back to his, finding nothing but truth in his eyes. “You’re falling for me?” I repeat in question, and his smile lights up his entire face.
“Tragic I know, but what can you do,” he shrugs, the epitome of nonchalance, like his words haven’t just rocked my whole world off its axis.
“Logan?” I say his name in question, and if I’m honest a little desperation, and his smile slowly drops, but I have to know if he is being serious.
“Yes, I’m really falling for you, Lincoln, I couldn’t stop it if I tried.” His smile is resigned now, and for once he actually looks shy, and now I can’t help but smile myself, because the flirty and outgoing Logan Royton has feelings for me.
My lips are on his before he can say another word, before I can take another breath, because I’m not sure how we got here. I’m not sure how someone so light and bright could fall for someone like me, someone so cold and dark, but here we are. He kisses me back, he kisses me like I mean something and I never want him to stop, but of course I am very aware of where we are, of who our audience is, so reluctantly I pull away.
“So I haven’t scared you away?” He asks, with a cocky smirk as we continue to dance, and I laugh.
“It’s okay, I don’t scare easy, baby,” I tell him softly, his smile turning shy, as my eyes travel over his shoulders and find Asher glaring at us with a dark look. “But speaking of things to be scared of, is there any reason Asher is staring at me like he wants to fuck me and then kill me, in that order?”
Logan laughs, following my stare over to Ash, before coming back to me and shrugging. “Maybe there have been some developments in that area,” he admits quietly, avoiding my gaze.
“After last night you mean?” I question, thinking back to how it felt to have Ash pinned to the bar while Logan sucked him off.
It was hot and downright maddening to push him to the brink like that, but it worked, and all it did is leave me wanting more.
“Well that, and this morning,” Logan mumbles, not completely meeting my eye, and I suddenly realize I am missing something.
“What happened this morning?” I rush out, not coming across casual or relaxed in the slightest.
Logan looks back over to Ash as we sway, before he admits, “Asher cornered me in the pool house and kissed me.”
“He kissed you?” I repeat, a feeling of shock, and surprisingly jealousy, burns through me with such force I almost stumble.
“I don’t know what happened, one minute I was climbing out the pool and reaching for my towel, and the next I was pinned to the wall of the pool house and his lips were on mine, and then I was jerking us both off, it was fucking hot.”
An unfamiliar feeling lances me deep inside as I reply, “Yeah, it sounds like it.”
So why is my heart thundering in my chest at the thought?
“He’s coming around then?” I forceout, locking my eyes back on Asher, who is still watching us, no longer attempting to hide it in the slightest, and Logan nods.
“I think he is,” he smiles, looking pleased with himself, just as the song comes to an end, and I force my jealousy deep down where no one can find it.
We enjoy a few more dances, before grabbing more drinks, and then the next couple of hours pass by quickly, with more dancing, drinking, and catching up with family and friends, making for an ultimately great day.
By the time the wedding is winding down, most of the security guys have headed out to the club on the island, and both the Roytons and the Deckers have taken the young ones back to their rooms to get some long-earned sleep. Zack and Max are laughing at the bar with Lily, drinking champagne, and both Elle and Riley are still having fun on the dance floor.
I’m sitting with Marcus, Jace, Logan, and Ash, watching the girls dance up a storm, when Jace cuts in out of the blue with, “You know when you’re fucking your girl?”
“No,” I snort, more than a little on my way to being drunk, but not nearly enough to be dealing with whatever he is about to say.
“I’m not talking to you, I’m talking to Marcus,” Jace sighs dramatically, making Marcus laugh and roll his eyes, because he knows as well as I do that whatever Jace is about to say is going to be ridiculous.
“Why aren’t you talking to me?” Logan asks, in mock offense.
“Because you fuck him,” Jace responds, nodding his head at me, as if Logan hasn’t bedded just as many girls as him.
Logan looks between us all before he responds. “Well then, why not Ash?” He asks, and I panic slightly that Jace might make this into a thing when it comes to Asher being a Donovan, but he just shrugs again.
“Because Donovan fucks nobody.”
Asher doesn’t look offended by his statement. In fact, his mask doesn’t slip in the slightest, and for some reason that pisses me off, especially after what happened last night, and what Logan told me happened this morning.