“Well that’s not completely true,” I drawl, making all of their eyes snap towards me, yet before anyone can respond another voice cuts in.
“And what’s the hot topic among the Rebels these days?” Elle asks, dropping into Marcus’ lap and stealing his drink, as Jace’s eyes go wide at her arrival.
Riley drops into the seat next to him as he lies, “Erm, we were just making fun of Marcus for marrying the first girl he ever kissed.”
The fiery little redhead, who stole my brother’s heart and brought him back to life, laughs. “Well, not everyone needs to partake in orgies before finding the one, Playboy.”
Jace smirks, holding his arms out wide and gesturing to himself. “Not everyone can, Red.”
We all laugh, especially when Riley whacks him in the stomach making him groan, before she focuses back on Elle. “Ignore him, I think what you guys have is sweet.” The two of them have struck up quite the friendship, and often go toe to toe when it comes to my brother.
“Don’t worry, Riles, I’m more than used to ignoring him, aren’t I, Pretty Boy?” Elle smiles sweetly, which for those of us who know her, know it’s her deadly smile.
“Says the girl who couldn’t wait to stick her tongue down my throat,” he replies, rolling his eyes dramatically, and earning another smack from his girlfriend.
Elle focuses on Riley now as she asks, “Can I please stab him? I promise I’ll be gentle, well mostly.” She pairs her words with pulling the hem of her dress up slightly, flashing the specially made garter that is the home for her blade today.
“Come on now, Queenie, you know I’m only playing, and I won't tell your husband that we both know who the better kisser is,” Jace teases, this time earning a smack to the back of the head from Marcus, as Riley shakes her head.
“Ignore him Elle, not many people can say they are married to the first boy they ever kissed,” Riley snaps, giving her boyfriend a glare I’m sure she learned from Elle.
“Oh yeah, and who was your first kiss, Red, don’t tell me it was little Dicky?” Jace drawls, but I hear the hint of jealousy in his tone, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who remembers how Jace feels about her ex-boyfriend.
“No, you asshole, it was some guy named Jake. It was at camp in the summer between middle school and high school, it was pretty awful, neither of us had a clue what we were doing,” Riley recalls with a laugh, as Jace fake gags at the memory.
“What about you, brother?” Jace asks, turning his focus to me, and I groan inwardly.
“Do you want the story about the young girl from foster care who thought my silence was an indication that I liked her, who made me realize I was in fact gay? Or the guy off the football team in middle school who wanted to experiment with me?” I ask, looking between them all and noting their now keen interest about the insight into my past, making me shuffle in discomfort and causing Logan to come to my rescue.
“Well my first kiss was great. I was drunk at some party during freshman year of high school, and this girl wanted to piss off her boyfriend so she kissed me, then the dude got mad, so to make it even, he kissed me too.” Logan’s smirk is infectious, and I hide my own in my drink as he flexes his arms out wide. “Then we all kissed each other, it was a very eye-opening night to say the least.”
Jace holds his hand out to Logan for a high five, which he accepts, both of them as slutty as the other and proud of it. “Logan, you’re my spirit animal,” Jace muses, sipping his drink, before he shifts his gaze over to me and then to Asher. “What about you, Donovan?” He asks, and I swear everyone else at the table holds their breath.
I can't remember the last time Jace ever spoke to Asher directly, and despite Ash’s face not changing in the slightest, I know he is as surprised as all of us, yet still he responds calmly, “What about me?”
Jace rolls his eyes, and I can see a lick of anger and restraint swirling in his stare. “Your first kiss?” He pushes him, and I don’t miss the gentle squeeze of his thigh from Riley, like she is proud of him for trying.
It’s no secret how he feels about him, but I am grateful to him for including him, because I know he is doing it for Elle and Cassie, and probably a little for me too.
Asher flicks his stare to Logan, watching him carefully, before he switches his stare to me and then back to Jace. “My first kiss was unexpected,” he starts slowly, like he is thinking about his words carefully, and all of a sudden I have a feeling I don’t want to hear whatever he is about to say. I remember his admissions on the plane all too well, what those women took from him, and though my brother doesn’t realize it, he just invited Ash to share even more atrocities that I’m not sure my shoulders can bear.
“It was in a pool house,” he adds, once again moving his stare between my brother and Logan, the latter now staring at him with an intensity I have never seen. “I initiated it on instinct, I didn’t even think about it, I just knew I wanted it. It was slow at first, hesitant, but once it got going, it was amazing,” he smiles softly, before knocking back his drink, then signaling to his empty glass that he needs another, before standing and making his way over to the bar.
Any jealousy from earlier evaporates, as his admission starts a fire between no one but Logan and I, as we both come to the realization that Asher’s first kiss was him.
The vodka tastes bitter as it slides down the back of my throat, without offering its usual burn that I have come to savor. No, instead the burn comes in the form of their stares as I feel them watching me. I knew what my admission would do, so I don’t know why I’m surprised, but I guess I am just sick of hiding, sick of pretending, and I don’t want to do it anymore. It’s why I got up and walked away, because if I didn’t, I might have just kissed Logan right then and there just to make a point.
I signal to the bartender to pour me another, sliding a hundred dollar bill into the jar before accepting my drink, and turning and making my way outside to get some air. I’m not sure how much time passes, but it’s enough to watch the remainder of the wedding party stumble from inside and head back to their rooms.
Jace is first, holding onto a dancing and drunk Riley, as they laugh together, as if they have never known the darkness they have faced. Followed by Zack and Max holding up a completely intoxicated Lily, and I’m not sure who looks more angry about it. Then comes the happy couple. Marcus carries Elle with ease, talking far too loudly about what he is about to do to his new wife, yetI can’t help but smile. A childhood torn apart by blood and murder, yet here they are, stronger and happier than I have ever seen them, and I know they are going to last forever.
When Lincoln and Logan appear, both of their eyes dart around until they land on me, and neither of them look surprised to still find me here. Instead, Logan pulls away from Lincoln, who lingers by the stairs, and strolls toward me with an air of calm I don’t think I have ever felt. His hands find the arms of the chair I am sitting in, before leaning down and bringing his mouth so close to mine that I can feel the heat of his warm breath against my lips.
“It was amazing for me too, my little psycho, and it only took you six years,” he smiles, then he is kissing me, claiming my lips so sensually that I have no choice but to kiss him back, all too aware of the audience we have, but Logan doesn’t seem to care. He kisses me like it’s the first time and I kiss him back, and it’s just as amazing as it was this morning, lighting up my entire body until I feel like I might explode.