Page 90 of Omega for the Pack

I couldn’t hear anything as my ears felt like I had been swimming underwater.No!I screamed over and over in my head. I could hear voices, but they were miles away.

Opening my eyes,I saw that I was wrapped in a thin blue blanket and I was lying on someone’s lap.

I shot up, seeing Jatix.

“Thank god you’re awake,” said Jatix. I could hear the relief in his voice.

I saw that we were still in the basement with all the sex swings and toys around us. Everyone was gathered around me. Shawn was sitting directly in front of me on the floor.

“Are you okay?” Shawn asked. “You lost consciousness all of a sudden.”

And I knew why. It all hit me. I had buried that memory for so long, and it was bound to emerge one day.

“What happened?” asked Darius.

“I…I had a bad memory,” I said. “I didn’t think I’d lose it like that. Maybe I need to see a psychiatrist or something.”

“What memory?” Jatix pressed, laying his hand on my thigh.

I didn’t want to tell them. To admit how broken I felt or the horror I went through. But they had already seen it.

“My dad violated me when I was sixteen,” I breathed, pulling the blanket tighter around me. My nails nearly ripped through the fabric. “He did it a couple of times. It’s why he wanted me to take so many heat suppressants and pills. He said it was my fault that Mom died, so I had to take her place.”

Shocked silence. Not one man breathed a word.

I shut my eyes tight, feeling sick to my stomach. I knew this was too much to tell them. They would never respect me after this.

“He’s sick,” said Jatix with tight rage in his voice. “How could he do that? No fatherly protective instinct?What the actual fuck?!”

Jatix paced around the basement, balling his hands into fists. The room was silent for a few minutes as the men tried to process this information.

“Let’s go,” said Darius, nodding to Jatix.

"We'll be back," said Jatix to me, kissing me on the forehead before he rushed out of the room with Darius. It all happened in seconds as I sat there, confused about what the hell just happened.

“Are they going after my father?” I asked Silus.

“Most likely,” said Silus, his jaw tight as he looked straight ahead. He was also thinking about what I had just revealed to them. “Shawn and I will stay and look after you while they take care of business.”

“No, I need to go stop them,” I whispered, standing on shaky legs and dropping the blanket. I ran over to my abandoned dress and pulled it on with trembling fingers. It felt like a full five minutes wrestling with the dress. “Please, Silus. I need a ride to my father’s house.”

“Let them do their job,” said Silus quietly, touching my shoulder.

“I think she needs to go see him,” said Shawn. “If Jatix goes psycho and kills him, she needs the chance for closure, or she’ll hate us all.”

“Silus,” I said again.

“Fine,” he said, resigned at last.

When we pulledup to my old house, I saw Jatix’s car parked in the driveway. So hehadcome here to kill him.

My heart pounding, I ran out of Silus’s car and towards the open front door, which was wide open. I heard a shout as Silus chased after me in the driveway. Bursting into the house, I saw Darius standing above my dad, his knuckles bloody. My dad was trying to get off the ground, his face covered in blood.

My dad’s eyes trained on me when I burst into the living room. He looked like he was in distress. I knew at that moment he wanted help from me. To call my pack off him. Buthenever helped me.

He never helped me when Mom died. He made things worse. He never helped me when he beat me up or violated me. So I simply stood there and watched as Darius punched him again. And again. My lips turned up in a small smile as I watched my father’s pain intensify with every kick and punch from Darius and Jatix.

“That’s enough,” I finally said.