As I slathered on lotion in the bathroom, I couldn’t help but grin a little at my brazenness of sucking an alpha's cock for the first time. I didn't know what took over me in the shower, but his presence pulled me to him. Called to my darkest senses like nothing I was ever used to.
Jatix had left to give me some space, and I finally felt like I had some privacy. The ache between my legs increased as I blow-dried my hair, thinking about what happened in the shower. Jatix mentioned going downstairs for dinner, so I wanted to look presentable.
I still wasn’t sure what to feel about all of this.
This was officially the pack that I was sold to.Did they think less of me since I was put up for auction?I felt self-conscious as I sifted through the outfits in the closet. I wanted something elegant to wear tonight. Three alphas and one delta would be watching my every move tonight. I had always wanted to be in a pack that adored me. I just never thought it would ever be in the cards for me. Every time an omega gave birth at Howl’s Honor Hospital, I would be reminded of what I was missing. But sometimes, I’d see a pack that wasn’t so nice to their omega, and I would feel bad for the omega.
I wasn’t sure if the pack would like me in this case. I didn’t understand how I had kissed Jatix already, but he was an insistent alpha who never took no for an answer. Even though Jatix was pretty odd, I started falling for him against my better judgment. The shower kiss was epic, and it left me panting for more. Or maybe I was naïve. My omega instincts were emerging without my heat suppressants. I've never felt so many emotions at once, especially the arousal strumming through my belly and squeezing my belly.
I looked in the long mirror next to the nest they had assembled for me. I wore a thin white summer dress that wasn’t too fancy for a simple dinner. It was strapless, and the dress stopped right above my knees. I hoped it didn’t look too slutty. I spent forever in this closet trying to pick something to wear. I’m sure they wouldn’t care what I wore as long as I was naked. I needed to stop freaking out. I had carefully hung my mother's dress safely in the back of the closet.
I looked over at the nest in the corner, and I hesitantly made my way to it.
Pulling the curtain aside, I put my hand to my mouth as I softly gasped.
The nest was so cute.
I stepped in and stood on the bed in my bare feet. The mattress was so squishy and soft under my feet. Nothing like the thin paper I slept on at home. I slowly lowered myself and sat on the mattress. It felt like clouds under my body. I used to have a normal bed before Mom died. After she died, my dad frantically threw away anything that made me comfortable, and I never understood why.
“Oh my god,” I whispered as I lay on it. Then, as I slowly got more comfortable, my eyes drifted closed. The pink blankets were absolutely divine and cozy. Pulling it around me, I hugged the blankets tightly, scenting them with my omega perfume.
It was too good to be true as I absorbed the beautiful sensation I had been deprived of for years.
“Find her Darius.Tell Keera it’s dinner time,” said Jatix as he set down the plates. Judging from the look of contentment on his face, I could tell he had a fantastic time in the shower with our brand new omega.
I wanted that.
I was jealous. That was for fucking sure.
“Yeah,” I said, lifting my ass from the couch. It had been a long day in the sun this morning at the auction, and I was about ready to pass out. A flutter of excitement hit my belly as I walked up the stairs. Even though I disliked omegas, I couldn’t squash the hope that went through me. I swiped my hand through my hair as I stood outside her door. I couldn’t hear anything inside.
I knocked softly.
No answer.
Did she fucking escape out the window?I knew this would fucking happen.
I quickly turned the doorknob and burst into the room like a wild beast. I was about to shout her name until I saw her body curled up in the nest. I could see her outline through the sheer pink curtains.
She was sleeping in the nest we made.
I felt like a fool bursting in there and suddenly felt terrible if I had woken her. I walked as quietly as possible towards her nest and pulled the curtain back. My heart softened as I gazed ather sleeping face. She was all bundled up in the blankets we had carefully picked out for her.
And it warmed my heart to see that.
She looked so cute, and I only wanted to lay beside her. Hug her and absorb her orange scent. I knelt next to her and stared into her face before I had to wake her up for dinner. Upon closer inspection, her face looked troubled. Her eyelids were trembling, and tears were pouring down her cheeks. Panicking, I quickly tried to wake her up by shaking her shoulder.
“Wake up, Keera, it’s dinner time,” I mumbled.
Her eyes shot open, and they were red. She looked at me, horrified, and my heart sank. Omegas didn’t like deltas. That was a fact of life. They only loved alphas. But then she was blubbering something, still staring at me, her eyes unmoving. She began screaming, and I realized she was still in a dream world.
“No, get away!” she screamed, punching an invisible person in front of her. Her eyes were still glazed over.
“Keera, wake up,” I said more firmly, shaking her arm. When she finally came to, she was breathing hard and looked at me with fresh eyes.