“I have no idea,” he said blithely, plopping into a chair beside me, trying to flex his spindly arms.
“You said the meeting was upstairs?”
“Yeah, but don’t go if you’re not invited,” he warned.
“I don’t give a shit,” I said, my heart pounding.
I walked out of the break room and up the stairs. It wasn’t fair that I wasn’t invited to the meeting, and it felt like one of those instances where I'd have to stand up to myself.
I’ve been with this hospital for a year, and they still didn’t have the decency to include me in anything. The bias against omegas wasn’t something that I could get over. I never even thought I could be a doctor, but after Mom died, I wasdetermined. When the omega scholarships were offered as a chance to progress omegas on Howl’s Edge, I jumped at the chance. My father was against it initially, but I convinced him we’d have money if I did. It was the worst mistake I ever made because that ended up with my father taking every penny of all my paychecks.
I stood outside the door to the meeting room and pressed my ear to it.Should I just go inside?Suddenly, the door opened, and I fell headfirst, crashing into someone’s hard chest. He held me by my arms to stop me from falling on my face completely.
Face heated, I quickly stood up, straightening my black blazer.
The stranger I crashed into had long white hair mixed with silver, carefully trimmed at his shoulders. He had the oddest purple eyes I’ve ever seen—almost electric. His face was weathered, but he looked energetic and young, wearing a plum suit with a shiny purple tie. I immediately got a whiff of his strong peppermint smell, signifying his alpha-hood.
My body immediately responded, and a whiff of my orange scent escaped the scent blocker cream I had slathered on this morning.
“Why hello there,” he said, extending out his hand.
“Hi,” I said, dumbstruck. He must be one of the millionaire alpha donors. He clearly looked the part. “Nice hair.”
“My barber has the magic touch,” he said. His voice held authority and a touch of sarcasm. He looked like he didn’t take himself too seriously. “May I haveyourmagic touch?”
He looked down, and I followed his gaze.
I gasped. He had an obvious erection. This guy was not shy. A definite alpha hole.
“No!What the fu-,” I started to say.
“What is going on?” said a sharp female voice interrupting us.
"Ugh," I muttered, I despised talking to her. But this alpha was even worse. Lucia was the director ofHowl’s Honor Hospitaland an alpha female. She flipped her long blond hair back, her nose in the air. My few interactions with her were short and to the point.
She wasn’t exactly warm and friendly.
“I heard there was a meeting going on?” I asked innocently.
“You can get back to work. The meeting’s almost over,” said Lucia.
“Why can’t I join the meeting too?” I challenged.
“Yes, why not?” asked the stranger with the weird silver hair, butting in. I wanted to smack him but held myself back.
Lucia looked perturbed when he asked the question, scrambling for an answer.Since he was a millionaire donor, of course. I wanted to roll my eyes.
“We’re short-staffed at the moment and they need her,” she said. “May I escort you back to the meeting, Mr. Lustfur?”
“You have like every doctor in there,” I said, gesturing towards the door. “I don’t understand why I wasn’t told, at least.”
“You’re an omega. Why do you care about this stuff?” she stated, her face twisted in disgust. She said it like it should make sense to me.
And to just be grateful that I was even working here.
“Whoa,” said Mr. Lustfur. He looked taken aback.