Page 66 of Omega for the Pack

“I’m interested,” I said stubbornly. “I would like to join the meeting.”

“You’re done,” said Lucia, pissed. I embarrassed her in front of someone important. “Give me your badge.”

My stomach immediately sank. My dad came to mind.

He was going to kill me.Fuck my life.

“Fine,” I huffed, removing my lanyard from around my neck and flinging my badge at Lucia. She looked shocked. My heart was pounding hard from adrenaline. “You can stuff it.”

As I turned to walk out, I saw Jade standing there with her mouth open, shocked at what just happened.

I waited outsideof the hospital building for my ride. My dad ensured he would pick me up and drop me off at work. It was rare for omegas to drive or to walk around freely without their guardian or alpha pack.

“Are you going to find another job?” asked Jade, standing outside with me. The mood was glum, and I dreaded my father’s wrath when I would tell him I lost my job. Jade, along with everyone else, thought my life was perfect, but it was far from perfect.

“I’m going to have to find another job,” I said. "I can't sit around at home all day."

“Do you want to go to the Omega Ball tomorrow with me? Now that you’re fired and all,” she said.

“Not a good idea,” I said. But, honestly, I didn’t want to tell her that my father was the reason I didn’t go anywhere or do anything without his express permission. He had instilled that alpha order in me ever since I was little to obey. And it was hard to fight against or rebel.

“Why? It’ll be fun, and it will take your mind off stuff.”

“I’ve never been to the Omega Ball. Isn’t it dangerous? All the alphas showing up to court omegas?”

“Every year, there’s strict security. Nothing is going to happen,” Jade said.

The ball was only for omegas to meet alpha packs. Iwantedto meet an alpha pack to escape my hellish life.

“How about I meet you here tomorrow at eight am?”

Maybe my dad could drop me off thinking I was going to work. I couldn’t be in the house tomorrow, because I didn’t want him to know about my job loss yet.

“Why that early? You’re not even working tomorrow,” laughed Jade.

“I can’t tell my dad that I lost my job,” I said. Her eyes widened. Jade and I were good work friends, but I wasn’t sure how much to trust her. “So I have to pretend I’m working.”

“I get it,” she said softly, looking down. It looked like she regretted giving me a hard time earlier. “I’ll bring you back here around your usual time that you get off from work.”

“Okay, that works then,” I smiled. Inside, I felt a little giddy at doing this. I was going to theOmega Ball. My stomach was knotted in nervousness and excitement. My dad pulled up in his beat-up small green car, and all the butterflies in my belly disappeared.

“Bye, Keera,” waved Jade.

“See ya,” I said as I walked towards the car.

I swung open the passenger-side door and sat inside to the scowl of my father. He had a short stature and a permanent resting bitch face ever since Mom died.

“Close the door, hurry up,” he snapped. “So slow!”

I shut the door, and he pinched my thigh when I finally did.Ass.



Isat through the rest of the torturous donor meeting, bored out of my mind.

The beautiful omega who crashed into me was still ingrained in my mind. She was a stunner, and she didn’t know it. I loved it when a female didn’t know her allure. My hard-on was apparent, and I didn’t give a shit who saw it.