“I understand now that the pills are important to you,” he said after a while. “I will return them to you. But I also have something to say.”
Worry leaped in my heart. His face had taken a serious expression that I couldn’t read.
“If you believe in your heart that you are not meant for me,” he began. “Tomorrow, I’m taking you to your parents’ home. I should never have brought you into all my mess, and I need to set things right. Once I settle things here, you can either choose to stay with me or leave.”
“But are you going to murder everyone in Howl’s Edge if I decide to leave you?”
There had to be a catch somewhere. He was offering me freedom.
“No,” he said. “I vow not to touch a single soul as long as the kingdom doesn’t keep massacring the Wild Wolfmen. Or come after my brother.”
“So you’re not trying to trick me or anything?” I said. I couldn’t believe he was doing this. He was actually being nice and letting me go.
“I would never. When have I ever tricked you into anything?” he said. “I’m not looking for an answer right now. Take all the time you need.”
“I don’t know what to say right now,” I said, confused. I was starting to feel something toward him, but at the same time, I hated living here.
“It’s okay,” he said, kissing me on the lips and looking at me with a sad gaze. “I will give you some space now to think of what you want. Have a good night.”
Then he got up and left the room, leaving me in the dark and alone with my thoughts.
It was a bumpy truck ride home.
I was sitting on Kodan’s lap like before on the back of the truck while one of the Wild Wolfmen drove.
Luke was standing at the edge of the truck, the wind making his whip around his face. He looked deep in thought, and I wondered what he was thinking about.
We were almost at the palace, and my heart raced with the anticipation of seeing my mother again. I missed her a lot while living with Kodan since I was her support after Vanessa came into the picture.
“Do you think the Shadow Wolf…I mean, your brother is here?” I asked, suddenly fearing for the safety of my family.
“He wouldn’t be that dumb to show up here, but I don’t think he’s aware of what he’s doing,” he said, holding me tighter against him on his lap. I leaned my head against his chest, trying to relax. “How are you feeling, little princess?”
“I feel fine, just a little warm,” I said, attributing it to the heavy fancy gold dress I wore today.
I was also highly aroused for no reason.
I was sore between my legs from being knotted by Kodan. It was a good ache, and I craved more of it. I wanted more ofhim, and I felt like we should have had sex last night. My pussy tingled throughout the bumpy ride, and behind me, I could feel his hard-on pressing against me.
At least I wasn’t the only one suffering, which brought me some comfort. He was trying to distance himself from me, and I was not fond of that feeling. I was used to him trying to pounce on me.
“Have you come to a decision yet? About us?”
“I haven’t,” I said.
The truth was that I was conflicted. I loved having Kodan near me and his raw, powerful sigma energy that brought out my soft side. I loved being intimate with him in every way. There was a potential for true love to grow if I allowed it.
At the same time, I could easily go back to the life I was living. The life of lavishness and comfort. And maybe get a second chance with a proper alpha pack.
But the last thought almost made me puke. I needed more time, and I couldn’t give him an answer right then.
Walking toward the palace,I wasn’t expecting a parade of people cheering for me. The crowd of people grew, surrounding our vehicle.