Page 154 of Omega for the Pack

Some of them flicked off Kodan and cursed him out. I wasn’t prepared for the different reactions and volatile emotions as we walked between them towards the palace.

“Princess! Can you sign this?” begged a young girl wearing a pink tiara and a pink dress who looked about eight. She held out a fluffy diary with a pen.

“Sure,” I smiled, setting pen to paper.

“What is this?” said Kodan gruffly, watching me write my name out in large cursive letters.

“Apparently, I’ve gained the people's trust by marrying you,” I said. “It’s a big deal for an omega to marry a sigma. And they know I did it to save them.”

“Because sigmas are outcasts…” said Kodan. It hurt me to hear him say it. But it was true of Howl’s Edge. We had a long way to go before everyone was treated with the same respect as alphas.

Reporters surrounded us, even though Luke and one of Kodan’s men tried to block them off. We slowly made our way to the palace. Comments and questions peppered me from all sides. I couldn’t focus anymore on any single person.

“Princess Lyra, are you happy with your new sigma husband?”

“What happened to your other alpha husband? Did Voss leave you already?”

“Did Voss not satisfy you in bed like Kodan can?”

I grabbed Kodan’s hand and pulled him to a stop.

“Let’s keep going,” said Kodan.

“No, I want to make a statement,” I said, gripping his hand as a lifeline. I grabbed Luke’s hand, too.

“What are you doing?” said Luke, turning to me. He was running on adrenaline, trying to protect me, but I was hindering him.

“I want to talk to them,” I said loudly over the noise of the crowd.

“Are you insane?!”

“It’ll be fine, Luke.”

“I’ll give you a few minutes then,” said Luke, giving me room to talk to them and standing at my side instead of barricading the front. A small beta woman with short purple hair shoved one of the microphones to my face.

“Princess Lyra, are you happy with your new husbands?” she asked.

“Yes, I am,” I answered. “I would like to say that my sigma husband, Kodan, has been amazing and gentle with me. I don’t understand any of the hate, but he is good to his people and to me. Even though I don’t come from his village, he treats me with respect.”

I could feel Kodan’s gaze pierce through me at my words. He was probably shocked.

I was just expressing the truth of what I felt.

“Do you prefer a sigma over an alpha?”

Honestly, the questions were starting to anger me. But I had to keep my cool.

“I think they are both amazing,” I said, and the reporter’s eyes widened.

“Is it true that a sigma’s knot is bigger?” the reporter winked.

“Okay, this is getting out of hand,” said Kodan, pulling me away from the reporters.

Luke strong-armed his way in front of us, and I followed him through the path he created. My teeth were clenched, and my body was shaking. I was literally seething inside from the reporter’s lack of respect.

We walked into the palace, and when I stepped in, nervousness set into my stomach.

“Daughter!” shouted Armon, who was talking to his counselor just inches from the door.