Page 80 of Shattered

He winces, wounded.

“I want you out. Go.”

“I’m not leaving you here alone.”

“You did that when you sent Asher away.”

He’s frustrated, but he won’t fight me. I can see it.

“I’m not leaving. You need someone here for you.”

“Then send someone else.”

I don’t expect him to fold, but something I said must’ve resonated because his eyes are filled with sadness and shame.



“I don’t have his number and don’t know where he is.”

He’s lying, I know he is, and I don’t have my phone. So, who can I call? The answer is obvious: if she’ll ever forgive me.


Turner nods, happy with that answer. “I’ll call her and wait until she gets here.”

“You can wait in the hall.”


When the nurse finally walks in to answer my call button, I look at her with pleading eyes as she approaches. “I want this man out of my room. Please call security.”

Turner stands up before the nurse can do anything, making his way for the door.

“Lila, I’m sorry. I’m just trying to protect you.”

“Yeah, well, prove it. Leave.”

Turner nods, his eyes filled with sadness as he exits the room.

With Turner gone, the nurse can tend to me. “Are you alright, Miss?”

“I need something more for pain, please. Did the other man who was here earlier leave anything for me? A phone number?”

“I’m afraid not. Let me get you something for that pain.”

I spend a few hours with my thoughts. Other than being interrupted occasionally by nurses, I’m alone.

I close my eyes, and I can hear Jared choking on acid. I can see the skulls lined on the wall. I can feel that serrated knife cutting through my skin and the torch that always followed. I can feel Rooney.

When I try to shove those thoughts down, too hurt to bear them, I come back to Asher. When I opened my eyes and found myself in his arms, I could feel his fear and grief. It was the most intense feelingI’ve ever felt, more than being cut up like a Thanksgiving turkey or drowned in a bathtub of scalding water.

I felt loved…

How could he leave me here?

I’m wallowing in sadness when a knock on the door startles me, and a familiar face peeks in. Her eyes are wide with fear.