Despite the gravity of the situation, I winced at Damon’s gallows humor. It was so typically him, facing tragedy with a smirk and a quip, but the mention of Brody stung.
Zara’s soft voice came from behind me. “How far are we from McDuff Manor? The others need to know about Brody.”
Justice’s gaze flicked to the rearview mirror. His grip on the steering wheel tightened. “Another twenty minutes, maybe less if I push it.”
The SUV lurched as we hit a particularly deep rut in the old highland road. Damon grunted as he was jostled in his seat.
“Easy on the rally driving, Speed Racer,” he grumbled. “I’d like to be in one piece when we break the news to Grady and Scott.”
The mention of Brody’s friends sent a fresh wave of grief through me. The thought made my chest tighten.
Justice’s nostrils flared, and he pressed down harder on the accelerator. The engine roared in response, and I was pushed back into the seat.
My heart pounded faster than the monkey with the cymbals. “What is it?” My voice was tight with fear.
“Not sure, but something’s not right,” he growled. “We need to get to the manor. Fast.”
“Oh, fantastic,” Damon chimed in from the back. “Because ‘something’s not right’ is exactly what you want to hear when you’re racing back to deliver the worst news possible.”
Zara inhaled sharply. “Guys, look at the sky.”
As the trees thinned out, revealing the rolling hills of the highlands, dark clouds surged from the North Sea, mirroring the foreboding in my gut. A distant rumble of thunder underscored the gravity of our situation.
“Well, that’s not ominous at all,” Damon muttered. “Hey, Justice, any chance this sweet ride of yours can outrun whatever’s chasing usandthat storm? I got a feeling we’re gonna need all the luck we can get.”
I closed my eyes, drawing a deep breath to steady myself. When I opened them again, I caught Zara’s worried gaze in the mirror. We shared a silent moment of understanding. Whatever was coming, we’d face it together. We had to. For Brody’s sake and for the team waiting for us at McDuff Manor.
As we sped toward the ancestral home of the McDuff clan, the forest at our backs and storm clouds ahead, I sank lower in my seat, thinking about breaking the news about Brody. It was only the beginning of our ordeal.
Justice was still dying. Vampiric blood coursed through his veins, granting him a prolonged battle against the curse, but even his immortal strength would eventually fail. A world without him was unthinkable. The Crown of Envy was my only hope. I had to wrest it from Maci’s grasp, no matter the cost.
As if reading my thoughts, Justice reached over and clutched my hand, comforting me. He was my strength. I needed him. I drew a sobering breath.
Maybe with his determination, Zara’s intuition, Damon’s irreverent courage, and my own resolve, we’d find a way through this darkness.
The silhouette of McDuff Manor appeared on the horizon, a fortress of stone against the darkening sky. I steeled myself for the difficult conversation ahead, knowing after I shared the news of Brody’s sacrifice, nothing would ever be the same.
As Justice eased the SUV to a stop in front of McDuff Manor, the gravel crunching under the tires, relief and dread filled me. The familiar sight of the old Scottish manor with its warm sandstone walls and cheery flower boxes usually brought comfort. Today, it only emphasized the weight of the news we carried.
The rest of them spilled from the manor like mad hornets. I fumbled with the door lock and popped the door. The crisp scent of pine needles wafted through the air, a jarring shift from the tense atmosphere that had permeated the SUV. My heart clenched painfully in my chest as I spotted Grady and Scott, their faces etched with curiosity and welcome.
A lump bubbled up in my throat, threatening to choke me. They hadn’t been picked as part of the chosen for our task, and now I had to tell them their trusted friend Brody had sacrificed himself to save us.
My hands trembled as I stepped out of the SUV. The crisp Highland air hit my face, carrying the scent of heather and the promise of rain. The manor’s windows gleamed warmly in the overcast light, oblivious to the tragedy we were about to unveil.
Justice came around the vehicle, his presence solid and reassuring. He clasped my hand. Our eyes locked, and in thatmoment, I saw my own pain and uncertainty reflected in his dark gaze. The silent support in his touch gave me strength.
The moment I had been dreading was here. The obvious fact of Brody’s absence felt heavier than ever as I looked at the expectant faces of our team gathered on the manor’s front steps. They deserved to know the truth, no matter how much it would hurt.
I drew a deep breath and squeezed Justice’s hand once before letting go. With leaden feet, I stepped toward Grady and Scott. Their expressions shifted from welcome to concern as they registered the grim set of my jaw and the absence of their friend.
“Guys,” I grumbled like a grizzly bear. “We need to talk. It’s about Brody and Lisa.”
The air thickened with tension as I prepared to deliver the news that would shatter our team’s world. Behind me, I heard Damon and Zara exit the SUV, their presence offering silent support as we faced this painful task together.
Grady gave me a puzzled look, his dark eyes searching my face for clues. His long, raven-black hair was pulled back into a neat man bun, a few loose strands framing his rugged features. He was the exact opposite of Scott, who stood beside him, his blond hair buzzed so short it was almost invisible against his scalp. Both men were built like linemen on a football team. Their muscular frames tensed with concern.