As we trudged along the path toward the car, the dew-damp grass soaking my shoes, a sense of dread built in my stomach. How were we going to break it to Grady and Scott? The three of them had been so close, thick as thieves. I’d often envied their bond, forged in the fires of shared trauma.
My mind drifted back to when I first learned their story. All three had been given dragon serum, their bodies and abilities enhanced beyond normal human limits. They’d been turned into super soldiers, weapons to be wielded by Sector Nine in theirruthless hunt for supernaturals. It was a dark chapter in their lives, one they’d fought hard to overcome.
Dried leaves crunched beneath our feet, the sound sharp in the crisp autumn air. The scent of decaying foliage mingled with the lingering mist, creating an eerie atmosphere that matched my somber mood. Each step felt heavy, weighed down by grief and the gravity of our situation.
Suddenly, memories erupted in my mind like a geyser, momentarily dousing the present. I was transported back to that pivotal day when Damon and I first met Brody, Grady, and Scott. They had introduced themselves at a small, bustling Mexican restaurant tucked away in a corner of Colorado Springs. The aroma of sizzling fajitas and warm tortillas filled the air.
I could still picture it vividly. Damon’s narrowed eyes, his posture rigid and defensive, my own fingers nervously tracing the condensation on my glass of horchata. Trust didn’t come easy for my brother and me. Our past had taught us the steep price of misplaced faith. But something about Brody’s earnest gaze, Grady’s easy smile, and Scott’s silent strength had slowly chipped away at our walls.
Over time, shared adventures and hardships forged bonds stronger than mere friendship. They proved themselves not only loyal companions but true family. The kind you chose, the kind that stuck by you when the world crumbled around you.
Now, a lump formed in my throat. How many missions had we done together? How many late-night conversations, laughter-filled mornings, and heated strategy sessions had we experienced? And with Brody gone and Lisa’s betrayal cutting like a knife in our backs, would things ever be the same?
I glanced at Justice, noting the tightness around his eyes, the way his jaw clenched and unclenched rhythmically. He felt it, too. The trauma we’d been through, the loss that ripped through us like a roaring river. The pain of Lisa’s treachery was etchedin the lines of his face, a constant reminder of how badly we’d misjudged her.
I silently vowed to hold onto hope. We’d overcome impossible odds before. Maybe we could do it again, even with Maci standing against us, wielding the Crown of Envy and all its terrible power.
“You okay there, chief?” Damon’s gruff voice cut through my reverie. He clamped his hand on my shoulder.
I shrugged, not sure I could trust myself to say anything. Brody’s face flashed in my mind, his smile haunting me. “How are we gonna tell them?” I murmured.
Damon paused, and his jaw clenched. “Honestly? I don’t know. But we owe it to Brody to do it right.”
I felt like I had transformed into Atlas with the world’s expectations balanced precariously atop my shoulders.
Brody’s death would shake Grady and Scott to their core. I could already imagine the pain in Grady’s eyes, the tight set of Scott’s jaw as they received the news. Would they blame us? Blame themselves? The thought made my steps falter, and I felt Damon’s steadying hand on my shoulder.
Sunlight glinted off the sleek black surface of our SUV ahead, momentarily blinding me. As we continued to approach slowly, my body was taut with tension. I scanned the forest, going from tree to tree, ready for an attack from any direction. My hand hovered near my weapon, fingers twitching with nervous energy.
Clouds rolled across the sun, extinguishing its warmth in an instant. Dread slithered through my veins and turned my blood to ice water. The towering pines swayed, their uppermost branches whipping back and forth in a wind I couldn’t feel on the ground. The once-cheery song of birds abruptly ceased, leaving an eerie silence broken only by the creaking of wood and the soft crunch of our footsteps.
The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, a primal response to unseen danger. Goosebumps erupted across my arms, and I shivered despite the lingering warmth of the day. I swallowed hard, my mouth suddenly dry as the Sahara Desert.
My chest tightened, each breath becoming a conscious effort. I couldn’t shake the certainty that bore into my mind like an ice pick. We were being watched. Hunted. By something ancient, something evil.
Justice’s nostrils flared suddenly, his head snapping up like a predator catching a scent. In one fluid motion, he clasped my arm with a grip that could’ve crushed mountains. I turned to face him, a question forming on my lips, but the words died as I met his gaze. His eyes had transformed, glowing a deep, menacing red that seemed to pulse with an inner fire.
“We need to get out of here fast,” he growled. “We’re being watched.”
The leaves rustled ominously as if in agreement. My hammering heart drowned out all other sounds. Adrenaline surged through my veins, every muscle coiled and ready to spring into action.
We reached the SUV, and with deliberate slowness, I reached for the door handle, the cool metal a stark contrast to my clammy palm. The soft click of the latch releasing sounded thunderous in the unnatural quiet of the forest. As I pulled the door open, its hinges creaked in protest, the sound setting my teeth on edge.
“Move,” Justice hissed, his eyes scanning the tree line. “Now.”
We piled into the vehicle, the leather seats creaking under my weight. Damon and Zara were in the backseat, while Justice and I were in the front. The slam of the doors echoed through the clearing. As the engine roared to life, I caught a glimpse of movement in my peripheral vision, dark shapes darting betweenthe trees. But when I turned to look, nothing was there but shadows and swaying branches.
We peeled out of the clearing with a spray of gravel and a screech of tires, leaving the watchful presence in the depths of the forest behind. It had to be Maci’s demons lurking back there. The question was, what new deadly demon were we facing now?
She was ruthless, not even allowing us to cope with our grief, striking us when we were most vulnerable. The thought made my stomach churn as I sat rigidly in the passenger seat, the seatbelt cutting into my shoulder.
I twisted to look out the rear window. The Scottish highland forest behind us was a blur of green and brown, punctuated by a billowing cloud of dust. My heart raced, matching the rapid bounce of the SUV over the uneven road.
“See anything?” Justice’s tense voice cut through my concentration.
“Only dust,” I replied, turning back. “That doesn’t mean we’re not being followed, though.”
From the back seat, Damon released a low whistle. “Well, ain’t this just peachy,” he drawled. “First, we lose Brody in some godforsaken catacombs, and now we’re hauling ass through the highlands like we’ve got hellhounds on our tail. Just another day at the office, huh?”