Jane looked upat him. “If it happens, you will definitely have been there.”
“You know whatI mean.”
“Of course Ido, but I love a good joke. How excited was your mom?”
“She wassitting at her bistro table in the garden. She was ecstatic. Myfather put him on his shoulders, and they all went for a walk inthe tea field.”
“I am seeingthe benefit of living close to family. Your parents are excited byTerro.”
“They are. He’sso cute.”
“And kind. Ihope he grows up to be a good man.”
“He will. Hewould not dare be anything else.” He kissed the tip of hernose.
Far too soon,she was dressed and had her bagel and coffee, following him to thekitchen table. She sat up and rotated her wrist.
“What wasthat?”
“Sunscreen forTerro. I hope Eonic doesn’t drop him. He’s gonna be slippery for abit.”
Andreux tookher half-consumed coffee from her, washed out the mug, and refilledher cup. “So, what do you think I should wear today?”
“Loose trousersand a shirt. I will wear something with long sleeves so Terro stopskissing it better. He will do it all day. I once banged my elbow,and he kissed the bruise for a week.”
He brought hisown coffee and hers. “So, how did we get such a sweet son?”
“I have no ideahow he came out of all that growling, snarling, and moaning.” Shesmirked.
Andreuxlaughed. “So, when do you want to make a calendar to guess at whena sibling will start?”
“Can the mathwait until after my coffee?”
He narrowed hiseyes. “Why?”
“Trust me onthis. I don’t like talking about my cycle on an empty stomach.” Sheate the bagel while he looked at her suspiciously.
Afterward, theybrought out their phones, and she pointed at her period tracker. Itwas due to go off in ten days.
She finishedher coffee and set it down. A moment later, she was hugged, and herface was covered with kisses. “Hold it, hold it. We aren’t going toknow for weeks. We just had good timing.”
He grinned. “Ithink Terro will make a good big brother.”
“I think so,too. Whenever it happens.”
He cuddled herand kissed her, and they were still in that position when Moniquearrived to see if they needed a fruit platter.
She looked atthem and said, “Eonic has introduced Terro to half the island. Healso said that Terro got really slippery about an hour ago.”
Jane grinned.“Sunscreen.”
“Ah. Right. Ihad forgotten about that. I used to grease this one up from head totoe. You can do that all from a distance?”
“Yes. I don’tknow how, but yes. When I have a thought, I try it, and when Imanage it, I file the skill for later.” She smiled. “I learned howto change a diaper right off.”
Moniquelaughed. “As most mothers would.” She looked at Jane and gotexcited. “You are glowing.”
Andreux startedlaughing.