Page 48 of Spirit Island

Jane blinked.“What?”

Monique smiled.“I may not be able to flit or transport, but I can see the nextmother on the island.”

Andreuxchuckled and pulled Jane into his arms. “I will be with you everystep this time.”

“Cool. I willruin your shoes.”

He laughed. “Ionly wear shoes to leave the house.”

Monique smiled.“Andreux hasn’t quite grasped that morning sickness doesn’t confineitself to the mornings.”

Jane sighed. “Idid not think that his aim would be so accurate.”

He hugged her.“I tried my best.”

“Yeah. Youreally did.” She laughed. “I think I know why I forgot the firsttime. I would have been blushing for weeks.”

He lifted herand kissed her. Andreux was smug. “I am hoping to keep that blushgoing until our anniversary.”

She sighed, andthen, their child landed in her arms. “Mama!”


Andreux smiledand said, “Mother, can you grab the bottle out of the fridge? Iwant to try something.”

Monique got thebottle in question, and when she handed it to her son, Terrostarted headbutting Jane.

Andreux easedhim away and put the bottle to his mouth. The ravenous attack madethe alpha wince.

Jane felt likean idiot. “He can get what he needs from coconut water.”

Andreux nodded.“It is also warmer here, and he needs to hydrate, so there is hisfascination with coconuts.”

The bottle wasgoing down like Terro wanted to get hammered.

Jane eased thebottle from him, and Terro’s eyes were shining. He didn’t let thebottle go, and his eyes started glowing gold as he pulled thebottle back to him.

She sighed. “Ireally hope the next one is a girl.”

Andreuxchuckled. “I am willing to keep trying for a girl if it isn’t.”

Monique smiled.“We are planning an extension to our house and this one.”

Jane sighed.“You work fast.”

Andreuxchuckled. “She decides fast. We are now on island time. We have towait on the local construction crews. They can take a while.”

“I will talk toSerin and Kekoa. They will figure something out.” Jane smiled.“It’s nice to know people who can bring in workers from themainland.”

Moniqueblinked. “Why would they do that?”

“Because Serinis Terro’s godmother, and Kekoa likes the little dude. Anything tokeep me and him happy.”

“Why is sheinterested in keeping you happy?” Andreux asked.

“Because I havethe only child in two island chains. He’s proof of the islandspirit’s grip on her people and the curse. For Kekoa, he is justlooking forward to being a father himself and wants to make surethat growing families out on the islands are taken care of. Thatincludes us.”

“We answer toKimo. He owns these islands.” Andreux chuckled.