“I am water. Ijust pulled the boat away from your territory and out to the otherside of the strait.”
“I thought thatwas what happened, but I was rather dazed. I would not mind roundtwo.”
She sighed. “Idon’t mean to be contrary, but I don’t think you do. That first onewas a trial to feel what had been churning inside me fully. Now, Iknow what I can do, and I will be able to do it faster. I mighteven figure out how to fire the sharks and other fish.”
Serin stared.“What?”
Xo chuckled.“The water takes her form, not the other way around, and thatincludes anything swimming in it at the time. It is striking.”
“I thought eelshad cruddy eyesight.”
“Eels do. I donot.” He was still petting her hair.
She blushed.“Ah. Got it.”
“I think youare beginning to. Lift your head.”
She looked athim, and he tilted his head. “Hm.”
She narrowedher eyes. “Has the apology been accepted, and will you considerletting catamarans glide through your strait for the program?”
“I willconsider it, but you must assist me with an issue I am having.”
“What? Nameit.”
He leaned inclose, and she understood what he was referring to. He might be allpolite and urbane right now, but he was in rut and wanted her underhim immediately.
“Oh. That isnot what I was expecting.” She glanced around the room at all themated or solid matches. “Right. So, they all knew.” The scentcoming from his body was enticing and had a sharp citrus note, likefresh lime.
“They did.Kekoa has helped me to calm down so that I didn’t punch theisland’s avatars, but it was a near thing. Only the one whointerloped in my territory would do.”
“Do for whatexactly?” She bit her lip and then said, “Is this a revenge fuckissue?”
“No. With you,it could never be that, but it is a matter of urgency. So, shall weleave?” He stood and held out his hand to her.
She slowly gotto a sitting position. “Is this the penance portion of theday?”
“If you want tocall it that. Come along. I don’t fuck outside of my hometerritory.”
To hear him saythat in the room full of folks she knew, strangers and her brother,made her blush a little. She had been planning on finding a sexpartner anyway. Xo was certainly good-looking, tall, and smelledlike an orchard after the rain.
No one in theroom had a judgemental look. Deno gave her an encouraging nod.
Serin smiled.“It will be fine, but you may want to muffle your like to Denotonight. It’s gonna get loud.”
It was Deno’sturn to blush, but he was grinning in anticipation.
Belle got toher feet and nodded. “Let’s get this over with then.”
Xo winced buttook her hand and led her out of the palace on Wonder Island.
“That was verybluntly stated.”
“Well, you saidit was just fucking, so it seemed appropriate,” she mumbled.
“I didn’t...oh, wait. I did.” Xo huffed. “Sorry. My head is in a thousandplaces right now.”
She stared athim. “So, that whole thing in the palace?”