Belle tried tofigure out who Xo was and settled on the scowling Japanese man nextto Deno. He would have been gorgeous if he didn’t look so cranky.He wore an open robe, loose trousers, and nothing else.
Xo looked ather. “You are not the one.”
She shruggedand knelt, prostrating herself. “Lord Xo, I apologize for invadingyour territory.”
He snorted.“And?”
She peeped upand grinned. “I apologize for kicking your ass. Well, first forfinding the eel’s ass and then kicking it and strangling you untilyou went passive.”
Surpriserippled through his features. “How was it you?”
“How did youturn into a gigantic eel that could have taken the boat down?”
He paused. “Itcame when I matured. What of your form?”
“It came aftersurvival.”
Deno blinkedand frowned. “Why isn’t there a mark?”
“Oh, there is.You just can’t see it without blacklight.”
King Kekoaasked, “What is your mark?”
She shrugged.“Not telling. It’s embarrassing.”
Serin looked toDeno, “Do you know?”
“I didn’t knowshe had a mark, let alone a UV one.”
Xo got a cannylook on his face and said, “Bow again.”
She wrinkledher nose. “I would rather not.”
“Do you want touse my strait for your little show?”
She sighed andbowed again. She felt a warm hand ease her shirt up, and a weirdlight spilled to the ground next to her. The shirt was eased backwhere it had been and smoothed with a broad hand.
Xo muttered,“So, knowing that I am your mate, you attacked me.”
“I defended thevessel I was on. You approached at a rapid pace, and I simplyjoined with the water to stop you. I did remove the vessel fromyour waters immediately after our tussle.” She shrugged, stillfacing the mat under her. “Whether we are or are not mates didn’tenter into it. You endangered the vessel.”
“Motors beyondan idle are forbidden. Your captain knew that.”
“Yes, but Ididn’t, and I just wanted to cruise past your territory and get tothe other side.”
“Why? I live ina lovely place.” His fingers were sliding through her hair.
“It felt weird.Like static on my skin. Can I sit up?”
He made ahumming sound, and she cocked her head.
“What happenedto you after you let me go?”