Page 10 of Spirit Island

Ahheel’s eyeswidened. “Cancer?”

“Cancer. Cutout, burned, and poisoned, but it’s gone. Thanks to the pool, myweight and muscle are back, hence the shopping spree.” Bellegrinned. “Now, time for lunch.”

Mini perked up.“I could do with some lunch. Can I join you?”

Ahheel snorted.“If you are looking for commonality, she doesn’t have a mark likeyou, Mini.”

“I just thinkshe’s interesting and probably has had fun occupations.”

Belle grinned.“I used to be a stuntwoman.”

Mini waswalking toward her. “If I buy lunch, can I pick your brain?”

“Sure. Let’sgo. Are you coming, Ahheel?”

The shop ownersighed. “Mini, grab me something. I need to tidy up and set up anorder list. Just as well you will be in the square.”


Ahheel walkedaround and kissed her beta with a possessive stance.

Belle smiled.“I will leave you to say your farewells and bring her back afterlunch.”

Ahheel said,“Leave your shopping here. It will be an added incentive to bringMini back.”

Mini blushedand said, “I am coming.”

Belle left herbag, and they walked out together. She had a question. “What doesshe mean I am not your kind of beta?”

“You don’t havea mark on your back.”

Belle shrugged.“If she says so.”

Mini asked,“You mean you do?”

“Well, it isn’tvisible in normal light, but yeah.”

“So, anotherkind of light?”


“Why can’t shesee it?”

“She’s not forme.” Belle chuckled. “I haven’t met an alpha yet that was. I mean,aside from entertainment, I don’t have much use for them.”

“So, how willyour alpha find you?”

Belle chuckled.“Therein lies the mystery.”

Mini smiled,and they got a table at the café and used the digital menus in thetable.

Mini beganasking questions the moment that they finished ordering.

They chatted,laughed, and got along quite well as Belle recounted her scarieststunts, and Mini took notes.

One hour led totwo, and they got a few smiles from some of the overpopulatedalphas in the village. No one knew why the islands grew so manyalphas, but the last two generations had a bumper crop.

Ahheel walkedtoward them, and Mini blinked. “Oops. Oh, I lost track oftime.”