Ahheel had thebag and held up Belle’s phone. “Belle, your charter is ready.”
“Oh, shoot.Right. I forgot about that. Sorry, Mini. Another time?”
“Definitely.”Mini smiled and bowed slightly.
Belle gatheredher things. “Thank you, Ahheel. See you soon, Mini.”
Belle slid herhand across the pay pad and took her stuff to the docks.
Orc and Therawere standing on the deck of the charter boat. “Sorry I am late; Igot distracted by lunch.” She smiled. “Permission to comeaboard?”
Thera reacheddown and took the bag, which freed her up to pull herself onto theladder when Orc said, “Permission granted.”
Belle clamberedup and grinned at Orc. “Hiya, Orc.”
He looked ather, and his eyes went wide. “Babybel.”
“You... uh...grew up.”
Thera wasstanding with a quirked brow. “I am guessing you know eachother?”
Orc blinked.“Yeah. When she was little, she would come on holiday with herfamily.”
Belle smiled.“My grandmother lived out here. I was born on the island, and wecame back frequently until I was twelve. Orc babysat me when I wasten.”
“She kicked myass at Scrabble.” Orc chuckled.
Belle smiled.“True.”
“How old wasOrc at the time?”
“Sixteen.” Orcsmiled. “So, where are we taking you today, Babybel?”
“The DenakiStrait.”
He blinked.“Why?”
“I will explainon the way.”
He hopped off,untied the charter, and they were underway in a few minutes.
They went overa map, and she explained the premise of the catamaran portion ofthe event.
“The watersaround there are deep. There is a lot of whale activity.”
“If there isn’tsome danger from below, then it won’t be worth watching. We willhave rescue vessels nearby, and they will be as safe as we can makethem. We will train them to be as safe as possible and keep an eyeon them.”
Thera smiled.“We?”
“Deno and I aremoving back to the islands. I mean, he has to get his citizenship,but I have mine.”
Orc snorted.“Yeah, that is a weird story.”
Thera looked atthe map. “We have time.”