My anger flares and bursts. No pros and cons on whether I should say it. It just comes out. “I’m already pregnant, Gram!”
Gram chokes on a sip of tea and stutters. “What?!”
“I’m… Jake and I are going to be having a baby. So I guess you should get used to me being barefoot and pregnant,” I say ruefully. I know that’s not what my life will be. I trust Jake to be good to his word. To let me fly and continue my trajectory. Because I know he’ll do anything to keep me.
And that means treating me like a powerful and competent woman, not just a mother.
“I… no… you’re lying,” Gram tries to take measured breaths between her words, but it’s not working. “You’re trying to… upset me…”
I shake my head. “It’s the truth.”
Gram tries to laugh. She grabs at her chest. “I can’t… no… I can’t…”
Something is wrong. Her anger is turning to panic. And her breathing is shallow. “Gram –”
“I can’t –” Her eyes shut tightly. “Can’t breathe.” The teacup drops from her hand and she pulls at the collar of her blouse as if it's choking her.”
“Oh my God. Oh my God, no!” I rush to her side and grab her hand. “Gram, look at me. Just look at me.”
Gram opens her eyes and focuses on my face, but nothing changes.
I hold her hand tighter and grab my phone. “I’m here, don’t worry,” I say as calmly as I can, dialing for an ambulance. “We’ll get you help. Justhold on.”
Chapter 20
Iburst through the doors into the hospital wing and hurry through the maze of halls, unsure where exactly to go.
When Caroline called me to tell me that Gram was in the hospital, I jumped in the car and drove as fast as I could, breaking several laws in the process.
“You don’t have to come,” Caroline argued.
“Of course, I’m coming,” I replied, my jacket already halfway on.
“But the drive is so far it’s –”
“Caroline, I’m coming and that’s final, alright?”
I could hear her smile and then her voice trembled, “I’m so scared.”
And that is exactly why I’m here now. To be there for her. Be her rock. Show her how committed I am to the role. For the rest of her life. And our child’s life.
I hurry down the hallway, past nurses who are looking at me like I’m a wild animal, and past rooms where patients are having quiet conversations with their loved ones.
“Jake,” I hear a man’s voice call out. I turn to see Chase waving me over to another hallway.
I rush to meet him. “Hey, man, how are you doing?”
“Alright. Things are alright,” Chase says, walking beside me. “You’re a good man for being here.”
The way he says it makes it clear he knows about Caroline’s condition. That combined with the expression in his eyes, sizing me up and also trying to be sympathetic at the same time. “Of course.”
Chase leads me to a waiting area where there are several people gathered who I assume to be other family members. I spot Caroline and Jude talking in the corner, Jude holding Caroline’s hand. As soon as Caroline sees me, she gets to her feet. We rush to meet each other in a desperate embrace. Her hands reach around my neck, holding on for dear life.
“Oh my God, it’s you,” she says into my chest.
I chuckle. “Of course, it’s me.”