“I can’t believe you came.”

I draw back, cupping her chin in my hand. “What happened?”

“It’s my fault, she was –”

“It wasn’t your fault,” Jude says, interrupting us. “Hi, Jake.”

We exchange a smile. “Let’s all sit down, huh?” I say.

We gather round while Caroline explains to me what happened. That she and Gram got into an argument that turned into a fight over me which ended up with the revelation of our baby and propelled Gram into a panic attack. I rub her back as she talks, listening to every word, trying not to smile at the knowledge she spoke up for me. It’s not the right time. But I can’t help my happiness. Though not for Gram’s panic attack, obviously.

Just that Caroline has bought in enough to see the man I really am. That I can be good for her. A good boyfriend. A good husband eventually. A good father.

A provider. That’s all I’ve ever really wanted to be.

We sit in the waiting room with the rest of Caroline’s family. The introductions are awkward at best and the way her father won’t look me in the eye isn’t great for my spirits, but to hell with it. They all know about the baby which means it’s happening.

I’m going to be a dad. And a piece of Caroline and me is going to exist in the world, a precious and beautiful example of our love.

I don’t even know what to do with my excitement.

The doctor shows up about an hour after I arrive. Everyone swamps him with questions. I linger back with Caroline, massaging her hand in mine.

“Please, everyone, give me a moment,” the doctor says. “I’ve been given specific instructions not to give you any information before the patient gets to speak with someone.”

Caroline looks at me nervously and begins to stand.

“Is Jake here?”

The color leaves my face. “She wants to speak with… with me?”

“That’s what she told me,” the doctor responds gravely.

The world around me freezes. Caroline’s family stares at me in bewilderment as if I know some secret of the universe I haven’t shared with them.

“You don’t have to go,” Caroline says. “If you don’t want to.”

“No, I’ll go,” I say and stand up. “Lead the way, doc.”

I am led into Gram’s hospital room where it is quiet and there is a smell in the air of strong hand sanitizer. I’m suddenly regretting not putting on an outfit that is Gram-approved. I’m in the classic redneck outfit; flannel, jeans, and boots. The kind she abhors. No matter. I’m untouchable now. Her granddaughter has chosen me. If she wants to tear me apart, fine. But I’m not going anywhere.

Gram’s eyes shoot to me, blue and boring into my chest. “There you are.”

“Hello, ma’am.”

She eyes the doctor. “You’re dismissed.”

I stifle a laugh. Gram really does run her life like someone died and made her queen.

“You.” She points a crooked finger at me and then at the chair at her bedside. “Sit.”

I follow her instructions. She is silent for a long awkward moment. Though she is trapped in the bed in a white gown peppered with green leaves, she still has all of her composure and haughtiness. “You look well, ma’am.”

“Yes, I’m sure you’re not too happy about that,” she says dryly.

I shake my head. “I’d never wish ill upon you just because you don’t care for me.” Any extension of Caroline will receive my love, regardless of whether I get it in return. It’s the Simmons way.

“I think it’s rather fair I don’t care for you right now, Jacob, considering what you’ve done to my granddaughter.”