Page 91 of Hades

My heart rate speeds up at that announcement. I know that I volunteered to fight, but that doesn’t stop the nerves from reminding me what I signed up for.

Death. No one but, maybe Ares, enjoys killing. Hades may be the Goddess of the Underworld, but she is the reaper of the wicked and protector of the innocent souls, not a cold-blooded killer.

“You ready, my love?” Stone asks, as Nile turns on the light in the room.

“Is one ever ready?” I ask back.

“I am,” Phoenix pipes in.

“Well, you were trained for this, we didn’t all have sadistic assholes for dads,” I say back.

All four of us laugh. We all do, but they are all different. War is not something my father joined in. A party with single ladies, bam Zeus is the first god there. Insert eye roll.

Stone and I make our way off the bed. Luckily, we went to sleep fully dressed.

“Everyone have their weapons?” I ask. I feel for my necklace and once my fingers reach my lightning bolt pendant, my nerves ease a little.

“War told me he has a sword and shield I can use,” Phoenix pipes up.

Stone spins his hammer in his hands and Nile rubs his trident tattoo and the real thing appears in a flash of blue light.

“Let’s get this done. Then maybe a long, tropical vacation,” I say.

“Sounds like a plan,” Nile says as he opens the door.

I walk out first and they flank me. We head to the living room where everyone is congregating.

“Finally,” Aphrodite sighs.

I just roll my eyes. Is she really going to battle in a hot-pink halter top and hooker boots? Not sure how that is tactical.

“Has Ares been spotted in the Underworld?” I ask Hades, ignoring Aphrodite’s words.

“I see you and the boys are ready for the fight.” She smirks. “Good, he will be past the river soon. We will greet him at the gates. I want to keep him on the outer edge for as long as possible. Lainie and Seph are ushering the souls on the closest side of the Asphodel field to the farther side. Now that we are all here, let’s head to greet Ares.”

Getting to Vegas was the easy part, but getting into the Underworld was going to be a little harder. It wasn’t impossible. I mean people are always dying to get into the place, right?

I laugh at my little joke and my sister gives me a ‘what the fuck’ look.

“Nothing, just getting my game face on,” I reassure her.

“That smirk tells me otherwise,” she sighs. “Did Hermes tell you who to expect with Hades?”

My smile falls, “I told you that he didn’t. For the messenger of the gods, he really does a piss-poor job. He is useless, honestly. I don’t know why Zeus keeps him around. He is a pathetic excuse of a god.”

“Well, brother, maybe after we take down Hades, it’s time to set our sights higher.” Her smile grows wider with each word.

“Enyo, one battle at a time. Keep your head on this fight. Don’t underestimate Hades or her men. We are the superior fighters but they have a few tricks. I don’t knowall the powers her men possess. They are one reason I called for your aid. You and the twins can handle them, Hades is all mine.”

She nods as she falls back to check on the ranks of soldiers that follow. My children were more than eager to jump at the chance to prove themselves in battle. I will collect more of my men from the Elysian Fields. Once I let loose my battle cry, they will come running to aid me.

It was a long walk to the dock, Charon was there and shaking his head no as I approached.

“What? You don’t know what I need and you’re already saying no?” I laugh.

“I may live in this dark and musty place, but I’m not blind. If I let you and your army pass, Lady Hades will have my head and I much like it where it is,” Charon states.

“Well, I would rather you be on my side of this fight. You know that she will not stand a chance against us,” I try and convince him. Words are not my strong suit, he doesn’t seem to be buying it, so I nod to Enyo and she joins me.