Page 92 of Hades

“Lord Charon, maybe this will help you decide to take us across?” Enyo asks, jiggling a large sack of drachmas up to his ear.

“Do you really think I’d sell out for so little?” Charon scuffs. “Hades would have my head for much less.”

“What can we do to win your favor?” I ask honestly.

He shrugs.

This time I nod to my sister once again and she springs into action. Her sword is at his throat in a split second, but she doesn’t dare draw blood, yet.

“Tie him up and throw him in the boat. If he doesn’t want to help, he can be the first hostage,” I tell Enyo.

“Why not the first casualty?” she whines.

I do my best to contain my laugh as I remind her. “If I knowHades, and I do, there will be enough fighters to quench your thirst for blood. Leave him; once I rule, I will need a ferryman.”

She doesn’t want to relent, but after a moment, she sighs as the twins do as I ask.

It doesn’t take long for them to secure him and board the boat. We will have to make a few trips to get all the troops to the gates.

“Phobos and Deimos, you two are in charge of getting everyone here. Can you do that?” I ask my sons.

”Of course, father. Just don’t start the fighting without us.” Deimos smiles.

“I wouldn’t dream of it. Besides, Hades likes to talk. That will give you all the time you need to make all the necessary trips,” I say, rolling my eyes.

I don’t know what it is about the big three but they like to run their mouths more than letting their swords do all the talking. I crave the clink of steel on steel, the taste of blood on my tongue, that’s what really gives me a hard-on. The bulge in my pants grows just at the thought and I have to adjust myself before my troops notice.

Moving to the head of the boat, I take my place in front, head held high and taking in the kingdom that will soon be under my rule.

Enyo makes her way up to my side. “This place is somewhat of a dump, isn’t it?”

Normally, the souls never cross into my palace but they arrive before the watch party, the whisper of Ares on their lips.

With my men by my side, I snap my fingers and we are all in the fighting leathers just like the last time. I opt for my scythe this time, it’s more familiar in my hands than a sword. Now is the time to show Ares that I'm no punk bitch that he can scare into hiding. This is my realm and he will never take it from me.

“Oh, me next, me next.” Aphrodite squeals.

With a sigh and eye roll, I snap again and she is head-to-toe pink leather with a matching sword.

And another high-pitch squeal, Aphrodite is smiling at me. “How’d you know this was my favorite color?”

I ignore her and ask the rest of the room if they are next. At first, no one moves but to my surprise, Hermera and Nyx step up, then one-by-one, the others, too, until we are in mismatched leather uniforms.

“Lady Hades,” Lainie says breathlessly, “Ares approaches.”

I give her a nod, “Let’s head to the gates. Lainie, will you and Seph stay close to the souls? If Ares gets past us, you are the last line of defense to keep them safe..”

“With my life,” is all she replies as she heads back the way she came.

I truly hope it doesn’t come to that, but Ares is cunning for a dumbass. War is his life’s purpose and I have to keep my head in the game. But my heart aches at the thought of losing anyone here.

“Hades, my love, it’s time,” War says as he caresses my cheek.

“For being the Goddess of the Underworld, you’d think I would be ready. But it never gets easier.” I sigh.

He smiles and his expression tells me all I need to know. He feels the same.

“Ares is mine,” I inform our little ragtag group before turning to Aphrodite. “But if you want to get a few blows in first, be my guest.”