I start to ask him more questions but then think better of it as we reach the obsidian doors that will lead us back to my aunt.
When the doors open, my heart starts beating faster with anticipation of who may be waiting for us. Is my hair okay? What about my breath? I really should’ve stopped and glancedin a mirror before I left for my watch with Nile. Fuck, Nile. Is War going back outside with him?
“Harper, are you okay?”
I come back to reality and War has stopped in front of me again.
“Yes, yes, fine. Sometimes, I overthink things. It’s been too long since I’ve been back to Olympus and my nerves get to me,” I explain.
Not all my aunts and uncles know I exist and if they do, most didn’t give me a second thought. What if whoever Hades brought wants to smite me? My father may lead the gods but it isn’t because of a popularity contest.
“You need a minute?” War asks.
I shake my head back and forth in a ‘no’ motion. “Would you mind walking in first? You know, for cover? Not all the Olympians are fans of my dad.”
I give him a weak smile.
“You were born from two storm gods, and are a goddess yourself. Why are you scared of your family? Can't you just zap them with a lightning bolt? Will you cower from Ares when we fight them?” he asks reasonably.
“No, from what I remember, Ares is an idiot. But you’re right, I have nothing to fear. Just know if they do smite me, I’m blaming you,” I say as I step around him.
As I start down the hall, I stop and War bumps into me, “I still don’t know where I’m going. Can you lead?”
He snickers as I move to the side and he continues down the hall before taking a left.
I stop just before the door frame and take a deep breath. “They will not smite me, they will not smite me,” I chant as I take the plunge and enter the room.
Doing a quick scan of the room. Hades is chatting with Pyroand a blonde with her back to me. Stone and Phoenix have strained smiles on their faces. Then I realize why seeing who is seated between them.
“Aw, Aphrodite, so lovely to see you again. Have my mates introduced themselves to you?” I smile as welcomingly as I can.
“Mates?” she asks. “How is that fair? Hades has four and you have two?”
“Three,” I correct her.
“Three? How in Olympus is that fair? I’m the Goddess of Love and where are my mates? I just end up with fuck boys and nothing more.” Aphrodite huffs.
“I mean, that’s up to the fates. Maybe after we take Ares down a few more pegs you can speak with them and see?” I say, shrugging my shoulders.
“The Fates!” she exclaims. “Those old biddies hate me. No wonder I haven’t found a mate or mates. It was nice to meet you boys, be good to my sister.”
Aphrodite stands and gives me a little nod as I watch her head off in Hades's direction. I feel sorry for my Aunt. Gods know that Aphrodite will try and blame Hades for all of this.
“So, you and Nile make up?” Stone asks as he pulls me into his lap.
“Sort of, I think we are getting there but it will take time. We are better but not fixed,” I answer honestly.
“Good, with this battle forthcoming we don’t need you and him at odds. There is nothing to cloud your thoughts, so your focus will be on the fight,” Phoenix pipes in.
Ihated having to interrupt Harper and Nile’s talk, I knew communication was key in any relationship and theirs was strained. But my first priority was Hades and her kingdom, Harper agreed to fight, so we had to stay on task as much as possible.
When I walked up and saw that they were touching, I knew they were on the right path to healing, but my lady called.
The ache from not being at her side stung more being in her domain. When I led Harper into the room, I didn’t stop until I was at Hades’s side. She wrapped an arm around my waist and was still carrying her conversation on with two women I had yet to meet.
“Oh, another handsome male you have claimed, I see,” one with jet-black hair comments.
“Yes, Nyx, I would like to introduce you to War. He and his brothers are my mates.”