“You’re not wrong. I already kicked his ass once and he’s coming back for more, in my domain no less. He really is anidiot. Are you ready to head out now? I need to get back and ensure Aphrodite isn’t using her love magic on any of the men.”
“No, you go ahead and I’ll be along shortly. I have a few others that may join in, but I want to check with them first,” she tells me.
“Well, you know the way to the Underworld, people are always dying to get in,” I joke and give her a wink.
“Oh, gods, no more cheesy jokes or I’ll take your throne,” she threatens with a smile.
Awkward silence. That’s what is between Nile and I. I wasn’t really still mad at him, but more so hurt. I feel a pull to him and the distance physically hurts, but he has to understand what he did. I know why my father did what he did, but Nile ignored that and trust was broken.
I was seated on dusty ground and my fingers drew circles as my eyes scanned the gates. How in the Underworld Ares is going to get in here is beyond me. Solid, black-iron gates and fences protect the souls from the outside world. They have to be at least four inches thick.
“Harper,” Nile’s voice drifts between my thoughts. “Harper, are you even listening to me?”
“What?” I ask as I return my gaze to his handsome face.
“I’ve been talking for the last five minutes. Did you just block me out?” he asks, hurt hanging on his tone.
“I was admiring the fence and gates. I promise that I wasn't ignoring you on purpose. Now, what were you saying?” I ask, a tiny smile on my lips.
There is distress on his face but he startstalking again.
“I was trying to apologize again. I never meant to put you in danger, but there was an ache just to be near you. There wasn’t a day I didn’t wish Zeus had taken my memories when he took yours. I stayed away as long as I could, but my heart led me to you. I hadn’t planned on staying, but your smile broke my will and I couldn’t leave. Can you forgive me?”
He doesn’t say any more, he is waiting for me to say something.
I reach out and take his hand in mine. “It’s gonna take time, and I do understand how it feels to be so close to your loved one but so far away. We will be okay, and I’ll do better not to push you away. It’s not fair for you to have to see me with Stone and Phoenix. It wasn’t my intention to hurt you that way. But you put me in danger when I was powerless. That is why I’m so upset, you understand that, right?”
Nile doesn’t take his hand from mine until he speaks. That small act stings a lot, but I steel my face and listen to his reasoning.
“I was selfish, I know that now. I wasn’t thinking with my head, only my heart. But know that nothing I did was to put you in danger. I love you and only wanted to be near you.” A single tear rolls down his cheek when he becomes silent.
With my hand, I wipe this tear before it falls from his cheek.
“Maybe I was too hard on you, but I wanted you to realize how serious your actions were.”
Before he can speak again, War interrupts. He rubs his hand on the back of his neck. Awkward much?
“So, you guys make up? Pyro is back, so Hades will be soon. I’m sure once she comes back with help, she’ll want to have a war meeting.” He turns to Nile, “Will you be okay to guard the gates while I escort Harper back to the Palace?”
“Yes, I can handle myself,” he replies, rubbing the trident on his forearm.
War gives him a nod before returning to me. “Are you ready?”
He extends a hand, which I take, Nile watching us ever so close. Once I’m on my feet, War drops my hand. It was only proper manners that he helped me up.
I kiss Nile on the same cheek that the tear fell from before I turn and follow War back to our temporary home.
“Do you think Hades was successful? How big is Ares’s army? Are we all going to die?” I ask, not giving him a chance to respond between each one.
“Yes, not sure, and no. If you and your men are trained, then there is nothing to worry about. He stops and turns to me, placing his hands on my shoulders. “You are trained, right?”
“Yes, Phoenix may need a weapon to borrow. Nile, Stone, and I are never far from ours. Absent-mindedly, my fingers caress the lightning bolt that I wear around my neck.
“That can be arranged.” He smiles as releases me and we are back on our way.
“Who do you think Hades brought?” I start my questions again.
War takes a deep breath but annoyance isn’t in his tone. “I’m not sure. Since I’m here with you, there is no telling if anyone joined or not.”