I don’t wait for them to object as I traipse through the dancing couples and pull my brother from sucking face in a dark corner.
“Hades, how’d you spot me?” he asks.
“The little bolts of lightning arcing around you was a dead give away,” I snark, before I grab his ear and drag him from his new mortal conquest.
“Your ass of a son is challenging me again. This time, I will reap his soul. The first time, I let him leave with his life. He has decided to come for me and my throne.”
Zeus's eyes grow wide, “I always knew he was trouble. I don’t wish him dead, but it’s as if he has a death wish. You kicked his ass in the last battle, he came back to me licking his wounds. I told him he was a fool to try to dethrone you, but he won’t listen to me.”
“Fair, but I will not relent this time. He will get what is coming to him. I have another question for you, dear brother,” I say.
His attention is starting to drift back to where we left his mortal.
I slap his cheek and his eyes return to me, sparks of lightning arcing.
“What was that for?” he demands.
“You are losing your focus. I have a question, then you can skamper back to your new friend,” I say.
“What would that be?” he asks, the annoyance rising with each word.
“Who’s Harper and where can I find her?”
For the first time in centuries, my brother palesbefore me.
“What do you want with her?” he demands the sparks lighting again.
“Hermes mentioned her when he brought me the message from Ares. Half his face is nothing but a huge scar, I want a demi-god that is powerful on my side. It’s been thousands of years since someone got the upperhand on Hermes.”
“No, you can’t have her. I’ve only just gotten her back,” he stammers.
“Hermes will seek revenge for his face, you know this. She will be safer with me.”
“No, she has her protectors, she will be fine.”
I’m not sure if he is trying to convince me or himself.
“I am Hades, my soulmates are the four horsemen, what are her protectors? Demi-gods? If you think I mean to harm her, that is not my intention. I will give her the choice of coming with me. I promise you, brother, for protection only. If she chooses to fight, I will do my best to sway her from it. Bring her to me.” My last statement is a command.
Zeus snaps his fingers and standing before us is a beautiful blonde surrounded by three men, their arms up in a fighting position.
“Harper, I want you to meet my sister, Hades.”
The beautiful blonde takes a step back, “You had to teleport us here? You can’t pick up the phone like a normal dad?”
“Well, I’m not a normal dad and no. Your brother and Hermes conspire against Hades. She wanted you here and I brought you. You’re lucky I brought your riffraff with you,” Zeus replies, motioning to the men with her.
“Dramatic as always.” she sighs.
The one closest to me, takes a step towards Zeus and raises the hammer in his hand as Harper reaches for him.
“Yes, it was rude of my father to bring us here, but if anyone is hitting him it will be me,” she states, raising a hand with lightning arcing in it.
“Well, you can settle this later. I wish to speak with my niece,” I say, holding out one hand to her as my scythe appears in the other.
Her men don’t step back, which I find both annoying andendearing.
“No harm will come to her,” I promise, and I mean it. “This is just a chat about a common enemy.