“It’s what I do.” I shrug. “Now, ladies, I have another brother. Zeus, stop hiding and come here.”
“You are not one to order me around,” he says from behind. “But I could never turn down a dance with a beautiful woman.” He extends his hand to the vampire.
“See, ladies, all settled. Let’s get back to partying,” I say, smiling at Frank.
He takes my hand and we walk back to War. “Where are Drevi and Pyro hiding?” I ask, scouring the crowd for them.
“Don’t fret, they are here somewhere, maybe behind the scenes,” War says, trying to reassure me.
The crowd parts a little as a black cat sashays across the floor and up my skirt. It takes its little paw across my face with a padded slap. “Have I just been blessed by the Halloween gods?”
War and Frank are both smiling when Frank speaks up. “No, that’s one of Pyro’s exes. If you look there, she has changed forms but in a black cat costume.”
“Oh,” is all I can muster when Pyro comes out of the crowd in a black suit and an old doctor’s mask.
He doesn’t say a word, just holds out a gloved hand to me. I take it, and he walks us to the other side of the dance floor.
“Why all the mystery?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.
No reply, as he removes his mask, but I am surprised to see the face under it.
“What are you doing here, Hermes? And what happened to your face?”
“I have a message from Ares, and this”—he runs a hand down his face—“was a gift from your niece, Harper.”
“So, errand boy, what does that asshole want me to know?”
“He’s coming for you.”
He disappears in a puff of smoke.
So, Ares didn’t get his ass kicked enough the first time, he’s coming back for more? I beat him once, I will do it again. This time, I have to make him come to me. If I succeed then I will have an army of the dead at my disposal. Their souls are already mine and I know that some of the soldiers in Elysian are itching for a fight. The quiet life isn’t for them.
I realize that I am still standing in the middle of the dancefloor and I need to get back to the Underworld. Ares may be marching on the gates as we speak. Lainie will defend till her last breath but Ares wants me and my throne. It’s not for her to die for, she is not a fighter.
I make my way over to the bar, Pyro and Drevi are deep in conversation with some brunette with her tits hanging out.
“Hello, boys. Do you have a new friend to introduce me to?” I ask, motioning to the brunette.
“Oh, I was trying to talk them into taking me back to my room,” she hiccups. “I may have had a little too much to drink.”
She paws at me as if she’s telling a joke.
“Pyro, will you have one of the bartenders escort her back to her room? We don’t want her to get lost or have an accident on her way back.”
“Marko, come help this lovely lady back to her room,” Pyro calls the closest bartender.
He nods and heads over to collect her. Once they are out of earshot, Drevi and Pyro are eyeing me.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask.
“Who was the mystery man that you danced with?” Pyro questions, raising an eyebrow.
“Another spawn of my brother, Zeus. It was Hermes. He delivered a message from that brat, Ares. He is waging war against me again. I hate to cut my visit here short but I have a throne to defend. If Ares lays a hand, nay a finger, on Lainie, he will wish that he was never born.”
War whistles, “Those are fighting words, count me in.” He walks up behind me, wrapping me in his arms. “And who, my beloved, are we maiming now?”
“My idiot nephew. I was telling your brothers that I have to return to the Underworld. I need a quick word with my brother and then I’ll be off. I would love you at my side, but I know youhave a business here. Collect Frank, and fill him in please. There is that asshat, Zeus, I’ll be right back.”