"Let's get this rogue and boogie."
"No one says boogie anymore, but from your lips, it's cute." I run a finger across her cheek.
The doors open, and patrons are running all over the place. With Hades’s hand in mine, we make our way through the crowd and into the casino. Amid the tables, floating above them is a silver-stained apparition, scaring anyone that gets too close to it.
Hades springs into action. Twirling the scythe, shemarches up to the ghost boldly and exclaims, "May your soul rest in pieces with my sick-in-the-head father in the depths of Tartarus."
In one fluid motion, she drags the blade through the soul, cutting it in half before it bursts into flames. It burns out before it hits the floor.
Strolling over to her, I can't help but beam. If the fates did anything right in their lives, it was pairing us with this badass goddess. "Well, that was fast, and you didn't even mess up your dress."
"Ha ha, it was a piece of cake. I miss the days of reaping souls for my brothers. Just don't tell them that," she says with a wink.
"So, they sent you to do their dirty work, huh?" I tease.
"They only wanted to fuck mortals. When one screwed them over, they sent me to deal with them. It broke up the monotony of the day-to-day life in the Underworld. Let's go get your brothers and make sure they are ready for the party."
"What costumes did you pick for them anyway?"
"Oh, you'll see." She winks
“Hades, I can’t wear this,”Frank complains.
“You look amazing,” she tries to convince him.
He is in a tight, white chef coat with the matching fluffy hat and leg-hugging black pants.
“Frank, how did you even get those pants on?” I joke, trying not to laugh.
"You think yours is tight, have you all seen Pyro's?" War scrunches up his nose and makes a fake gag motion. "If you need me, I'll be bleaching my eyes to remove that image frommy brain." And then he's gone, striding quickly toward his room, he is clad in a roman soldier outfit.
“Why did you dress all my brothers sexy but not me?” I ask.
“You are more conservative than they are,” she replies with a wink. “It was more to torture them, but I will fix it.”
With a snap of her fingers, Frank’s outfit goes to a relaxed fit, and I’m less clothed than he is. She changed me from the Grim Reaper to an angel. A fuzzy, diaper-thing covers my privates, and I have wings and a halo.
“Thanks, love, now to fix my wedgie,” Frank comments.
She giggles. “Hurry up, we need to check and make sure that all other souls are in place, and the food and drinks are ready.”
Pyro strolls into the room, wearing a set of scrubs. “There’s my beautiful girl.”
He doesn’t stop until Hades is in his arms, taking her lips with his.
“I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me,” I say, excusing myself.
Hades pulls back from Pyro. “You aren’t going anywhere, come here.”
She crooks a finger at me, and then holds her arm out for me but turns back to Pyro and kisses him again. Once I am near, she slides her arm around me, pulling me close. I feel like a third wheel until she turns to me with a smile.
“Your turn,” she states as she leans in closer, pressing her lips to mine.
Reaping that soul and the makeout session with Pyro and Drevi was just what I needed to relax my nerves about this Halloween party and showing the mortals my blue skin.
“Drevi, do you mind if I bring my scythe as a part of my costume? Or do you think my blue hair and skin will be enough to convey my costume?”
“If you want to bring it, I don’t mind, but I don’t know how many people will guess you are Hades. When they think of Hades, they think he is a man, but you look amazing.”