“I think I’ll save the scythe for later. Blue skin, here I come.” I wink. I run my hands down my hair and then my body; it’s like magic as my natural blue skin returns. I love the color and hate having to hide it when I’m topside.
Drevi whistles. “Hot damn, woman. You’re on fire. All the women at the party are sure to be jealous of your beauty.”
“Don’t let Aphrodite hear you say that,” I remark with a smile. “Is everyone readyfor the party?”
At my question, the other three emerge from where they were hiding and join Drevi and me in the living room.
“This party won’t start until we arrive,” Frank promises.
Surrounded by my men, we head to the elevator and down to the party.
When we arrive at the entrance of the courtyard, fog and eerie music greet us. The lights are pulsing, giving a horror-movie vibe to the whole place. There is already a large crowd of people slow dancing and mingling around the food tables.
Until they notice us. Then the whispers start. My hearing is better than the average mortal’s.
Wow, look at that dress.
Which brother is she with?
Damn, I thought Pyro would come shirtless with his chest painted.
I put on a fake smile and grab Drevi’s and War’s hand as we continue into the party.
War leans in after he nods to a guest. “You okay?”
“I’m fine. Just the normal drama that comes with mortals. They are wondering which brother I’m with, and you don’t want to know what they were saying when I took yours and Drevi’s hand,” I reply, trying to let the hurtful words roll off my back. I am the Goddess of the Underworld; why do I care what these people think? My men love me and I love them.
“Relax and let’s have some fun. They are going to talk about you because you are the most beautiful woman here, so let them do it.” War smirks as he wraps his hand around my waist.
“You know what, you’re right. Drevi, will you be a dear and have the DJ play another slow song? War and I are going to cut a rug.”
He chuckles as he walks off towards the DJ’s space.
“What, did I say something funny?” I ask with my brow furrowed.
“Not many people say ‘cut a rug’ anymore, but it’s cute when you say it.” War smiles, trying to reassure me.
“Well, I just can’t keep up with all the current lingo, I mean my place is with the dead.” I huff.
“Stop overthinking it and dance with me.”
He steps in front of me, placing both of his hands on my hips as I wrap mine around his shoulders. War holds me close as we sway to the melancholy tune.
At this moment, this day is perfect. Then, I hear two voices that have annoyed me my whole life. I don’t even acknowledge them; I simply snuggle into War’s arms with my head on his bare chest. The thumping of his heartbeat is all I need.
“Do you mind if I cut in?”
“Actually, I do.” War’s reply vibrates through me. The authority in his voice doesn’t waver.
There is a temperature fluctuation and electricity filling the air around us. Lifting my head, I roll my eyes when I notice that my brother is dressed as himself, white toga and laurel crown.
“Brother, there are plenty of mortal women to pick from, can’t you just let me be?” I sigh.
“With all the makeup on their faces and weird dresses, I can’t distinguish if they are, in fact, pretty or not.” He huffs.
“That is not my problem, you will have to take your chances,” I say, standing my ground. I came to party with my men, not dance with my brother.
“Fine, but save a dance for me, unless I get lucky.” He winks as he strolls back into the crowd.