Page 60 of Hades

War sticks his tongue out at our brother on his way by, as Drevi enters the pool area.

“Where’ve you been, slacker?” Pyro asks him as he helps Hades out of the pool.

I’m a little jealous. Why didn't I think of helping her?Dumb, Frank.

“Oh, just a little trouble in the casino, but I’m free to help now.” Drevi smirks at Hades.

“What kind of trouble?” Hades asks.

“Girl trouble, someone looking for her ex.” I notice that hisgaze falls on Pyro. “May have to make sure that she doesn’t stir any shit at the party tonight.”

“Let’s get this decorating done so we can go to the party!” Drevi smiles.

“Since you’re so excited to help, you can have lights duty,” Warrick states.

Drevi’s smile doesn’t falter; he happily walks to the courtyard with Hades’s hand in his.

With all four guys helping, it doesn’t take long to finish up giving the area that spooky vibe. The tortured souls will add in the haunting effects we had gone for with the decorating.

“Okay, who wants to travel to the Underworld and help me wrangle the souls back to this plane?” I ask.

“Who better than the horseman of Death?” Drevi chirps in.

“You just want to hog Hades for yourself,” Pyro replies.

“Says the guy that was with her for three months last,” Drevi grits through his teeth.

“Chill or neither of you will accompany me,” I state in a firm tone. They both laugh as the words tumble from my mouth. “What is funny?”

“Hades said ‘chill,’” Drevi chokes out.

“And?” I ask, raising an eyebrow to him.

“You are the same person that came to Vegas and needed the fireplace on. So, it’s comical that you said ‘chill,’” Pyro explains.

I sigh.What am I going to dowith these two?

“Keep it up, and I’ll make sure that your costumes are a little more than a speedo.” I smirk at the terror in their eyes.

“You wouldn’t?” Drevi asks.

I let the flames blaze in my eyes as I look into his. “Wouldn’t I?” He gulps and nods. “I think the two of you have forgotten just who I am. Do I need to remind you?”

“Will there be whips and chains?” Pyro chirps in.

“Gah, I can’t take you anywhere,” I moan.

Pyro just grins. “You know you love me. So, when do we leave?”

With a snap of my fingers, we are in my palace. “Is now good?”

“A little warning next time, please?” Drevi asks, clutching his stomach.

“Man up, it’s not that bad,” Pyro tells him before turning back to me. “So, where are we getting the souls from?”

“Lainie should have them all gathered and shackled. I just have to magick their restraints, and we can get back topside. Follow me, boys,” I motion for them to follow.

“Where did she get the souls? No one too evil or dangerous, right?” Drevi worries.