Page 59 of Hades

“No problem, we are headed to start now. We will see you soon,” I say as I take a sip of the cocktail he whipped up. I cough a little—it burns a little going down.That’s one way to wake me up.

Hades is a natural at this decorating thing, which is surprising because her mansion in the Underworld lacks a lot of personal touches. She is eager to help, and that is a fucking major turn on. The light in her eyes and the wonder written on her face almost have me hand over total control to her, but something in me won't let go. I know my brothers hate the anal way I obsess over each and every detail, but if I don’t have it perfect, we will leave the guests wanting more.

“Earth to Frank. Do you want some water?” Hades asks.

“That would be amazing,” I reply.

“Is Pyro’s cabana the best spot to retrieve it?”

I nod, and she smiles and walks towards the gate. Fuck, how did my brothers and I get so lucky? I’m going to have a hard time keeping my hands off her tonight. Her blue skin is fucking hot, and she plans to show it off tonight. I hope that the costumes she has in mind aren’t too tight, because I won’t be the only brother walking aroundwith a hard-on.

“Stop staring at her ass and come help me hang these lights,” War complains.

“Like you weren’t doing it, too?” I laugh as we work on the tangled mess he’s holding out in front of himself.

“How did you get these so mangled? They were put neatly back in the box after last Halloween,” I complain.

“This is your domain, I’m only here because Hades is.”

“I know, I know.”

Not a moment too soon, our blue-streaked blonde is back with two glasses of ice-cold water.

“You two are dripping with sweat, maybe we should take a break and hop in the pool for a few?” she asks with her eyebrow raised.

“I don’t know, our boss here is strict about work and play,” War jokes, poking me in the ribs with his elbow.

“I would be fine with it, but it’s not a lot of time for us to change,” I complain.

Hades folds her hands in front of her and pushes them forward, cracking her knuckles. “I got this.”

“Wait, let’s move out of the view of the cameras and passersby.”

I herd her and War into the corner of the courtyard, behind one of the potted trees. “Okay, now it’s safe for you to snap and change us. But we aren’t taking too long of a break, we still have to get the souls from the Underworld and costumes. I have to check on the food, and the DJ will be here soon.”

“Yes sir, boss man Frank,” Hades says with a little salute and a snap.

I hold my breath when she snaps, because last time we were in speedos, but this time, she dressed us in trunks.

“With the fuss you all made about the speedos, I thought you’d enjoy these better. What do you think of my suit?”

She put herself in a slick one-piece, blue suit that is the same color as her natural skin tone.

War and I both gulp as we take her in.

“It’s time to get in that cold water,” my brother states as he grabs Hades and leads her to the pool.

Still holding her hand, they both walk straight into the cold water with me following on her heels.

“This is just what we needed—to cool off and relax for a few minutes,” I tell them.

“Did I just hear Mister Perfectionist say he needed a break?” War scoffs.

I push a handful of water in his face as a reply. Which he returns with force, and it turns into an all-out water war with Hades just chuckling on the side. We only stop when Pyro glides through the water and gets between us.

“Hey, dickheads, knock it off. I know we are in a pool, but there are a few guests complaining about your rowdy behavior,” he lectures.

I shrug and reply, “You mean there are rules against having fun in the pool, who knew? Fine, buzzkill, we need to finish decorating anyway.”