“Since when are you the mature one?” Warrick asks Pyro as they stand. His icy blue eyes peer down at me as he pulls my chin up so that I am staring into them. “And you, I will be seeing later.”
It was a promise and one I hope he keeps.
When he slips a card just under my water glass, I raise an eyebrow at him. “In case you have any more run ins with rude guests. This has my direct line.”
Pryo heads back toward the bar and Warrick follows. I have a hard time not watching them leave.
That is, until a cough brings me back to reality.
“Forgive me,” I say sheepishly as I refocus on Drevi. “You were telling me about working with your brothers. Please, go on.”
“We have always worked together. I can’t recall a time when we’ve been apart long. After being successful in many ventures for different employers, we decided it was our turn. We bought this plot of land, and thus the 4 Horses Casino and Hotel was born.”
I stifle a little yawn. All the drama and excitement of the day seems to be catching up with me. Drevi didn’t missed it,but the unpleasant waitress is back with our food before he can comment.
My soup is still steaming as she goes to place it on the table. She misses, and it lands in my lap with a splash. The warmth of the hot liquid doesn’t burn my skin, but I jump up like a mortal would.
My temper is surfacing. I know without a doubt that bitch did it on purpose.
Drevi, on the other hand, is really freaking out enough for the both of us.
He jumps out of his seat in a flash, and with his cloth napkin, he tries to absorb as much of the soup as it will allow.
“How could you be so clumsy?” he yells at the waitress. “That soup is hot enough to burn someone.”
As he rants on, I notice the sky has darkened and the flowers in the vases have started wilting. I’m taken aback when my eyes land on the poor waitress that is in the path of Drevi’s wrath.
She’s no longer the young, beautiful woman that was rude to me. In her place is a white-haired old lady shaken to her core. I have no idea how the guests didn’t notice, but I’m not about to risk it now.
I reach for Drevi’s face, placing a palm on each cheek and repeating the words 'I am ok,' until I discern that his breathing has leveled out and he is no longer yelling.
As he stands there staring at me, he takes a few deep breaths. The skies are no longer dark, and the flowers and most importantly, the young lady, have returned to their former glory.
Thank the gods the clouds dimmed the room enough that no one noticed. Everyone else is too absorbed in their own conversations.
“What are you?” I question him, my tone full of curiosity. I pitch my voice low enough that no one else can hear.
“A casino owner with a temper,” he says, no trace of emotion on his face.
“Well, I’ve never seen a temper darken the sky, let alone wilt flowers or age a young woman. Until you’re ready to be honest, I think that it’s best this date is over.”
With that, I turn on my heel, not looking back at him. There is a little flair of anger surging through my body, I flexed my hands to extinguish the flames that are starting to form there before I manage to wave to Frank as I pass the bar and head to the elevators.
Drevi did well attempting to play it off, but I’m no fool. I have never met a human that can control mortality or age progression.
There’s more to these brothers, something that I can’t quite put a finger on.
Dammit, my brothers were right.That smile from her hooked me. I took my time carrying the drinks to Drevi’s favorite table, nervous yet anxious to meet this woman that has my brothers all in a ruckus.
The black dress seems to be painted on, hugging her in all the right places. She’s turned toward the window, people watching.
I speak up, and watch as she rotates in her chair with a smile on her face. The woman is a vision with her glossy hair, pale skin, and wide smile.
Fuck, she’s even more gorgeous up close.
When Drevi was rubbing in that he talked her into a date, I didn’t pay it much mind. I had caught a glimpse of her when she walked in, but being this close, jealousy wells up in my chest.
It’s a new emotion for me. I decide it is best if I return to the bar, before I make a fool of myself.