“White wine for me,” I say with a small smile, aiming for polite despite her rudeness. She purses her lips and nods, waiting for Drevi to finish ordering.
She perks up when he turns his attention toward her.
“Remind me of the specials,” he says quickly.
His phone vibrates on the table but he ignores it as she rattles off the specials. By the time we finish ordering he’s glaring down at the third call in a few short minutes.
I’m not at all surprised that the moment she leaves. Drevi excuses himself to answer the phone, casting me a quick apologetic glance.
In his absence, I glance around and check out the other guests in here. There is an older couple that just dumped a bucket of coins on their table and started to count out their winnings with big grins on their faces. I move to the next table and I’m startled as a cough interrupts my musing.
“Excuse me, miss, my brother requested that I bring you your drink and introduce myself while he takes a work call. I’m Frank, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
I turn toward a stunning man, with hair black as coal and honey brown eyes. He has little more than a five o’clock shadow on his square chin that trails down his neck.
Dressed more casual than Drevi, his white button up shirt has the top two buttons open. I long to peek under the rest.
In this moment my words fail me.A fourth brother?Makes sense. They did name this place the 4 Horses, but I never put it together that four brothers were the owners.
“Do you have any more brothers to surprise me with?” I joke. His face splits into a smile as handsome as he is.
Frank laughs. “Well, if there is, we’re all in trouble.”
I raise a brow and tilt my head to the side, studying the man standing in front of me. “Hayden,” I offer with a small smile.
“I’m glad I got a chance to say hello, Hayden,” he murmurs. “If you’ll excuse me, my normal bartender called in sick, so the bar needs tending. I hope Drevi doesn’t scare you off before we get to chat.”
“It was nice to meet you, too, and don’t worry… I don’t frighten easily.”
My eyes are mesmerized by Frank’s ass as he walks away. That is, until Drevi comes back into view.
He smiles widely at me, giving me a knowing look. “Was my brother nice?”
“He was easy on both my eyes and ears.”
“Frank is a ladies' man.”
“Oh, and here I thought that was you,” I tease. I’ve never considered myself a sociable person but laughing and joking with these men comes far too easily.
“I have had some luck, I will admit, but not like my brothers. I’m a little on the shy side.”
“That I find hard to believe. Your smile and charm probably has the ladies falling at your feet.”
He gives me a shy smile and his cheeks have a pink tint to them.
“More like into his bed,” a voice says in my ear.
Pyro takes a seat next to me, as Warrick pulls one up in between Drevi and me.
“Hope you don’t mind if we crash your dinner.” Warrick smirks like he isn’t at all sorry about it.
“I certainly do. I invited Hayden out. You two I see enough daily,” Drevi huffs in irritation.
“Oh, Drevi. You need to loosen up, brother. We all would like to get to know this gorgeous woman. If you insist on hogging her for the evening, so be it,” Pyro states then turns toward me. “Can I interest you in a breakfast date since he isn’t going to share?”
“How about I get back to you in the morning? Drevi and I never settled on how long of a dinner we had planned.”
Pyro raises an eyebrow at me. “Fair enough. I’ll see you in the morning. Come on, Warrick, let them have their dinner in peace.”