“I’m sure you’re needed on your team, but I won’t be missed.”
“I don’t believe that. It’s time to get changed.”
“I’m ready. I’ll just wait here for you.”
“You don’t have to wait…” Ryan’s face lit up in delight. “I mean, I can walk down to the courts on my own.”
“You had me excited there for a minute.”
“I’ll be a few minutes.”
“I’ll wait here.” She gave him a long look before disappearing inside. “I’ve left my bag in your tent. I hope that’s OK.” He called after her.
Aliceand the Vikings women’s team had played two matches, easily winning the first only to lose to a team from Holland. They moved to watch the Vikings men’s team play the Sharks. She sat waiting on the soft grass next to Grace. Her brain swam in circles as she tried to decide which team she wanted to win, torn between loyalty to her club and whatever these new feelings for Ryan were.
Grace nudged her as Ryan strode towards them. The sun shone behind him, blinding Alice as she looked up to his face. Her lips buzzed in anticipation of another kiss. When his mouth finally touched hers, he left nothing to the imagination.
Alice tingled, a sensation that spread through her body, lighting up every corner of her. The contrast was stark; Tom had only touched her when they were alone. When Ryan pulled away, she wanted to drag him back. He winked at her as he lifted her chin. She realised he was repeating his keep your chin up message.When did that smile get so sexy?
“That kiss was designed to wind up Tom before the game.” Alice thought the same, but when Grace said it, doubts crept in about Ryan’s motives. Was he simply upsetting Tom rather than being a good friend to her?Has he been using me all along? Am I using him?
“It looks like it’s working.” A small smile lit Alice’s face before the thoughts about Tom resurfaced. “Do you think it started with her whilst he still lived with me?” Grace looked back at Alice; her lips pulled tight.
“How are you getting on with the flat?”
“I’ve moved into the spare room.”
“Ah! The one at the back? That’s the room that’s most you.”
“It’s the only one he’d let me decorate.” Alice looked down at the grass she was pulling. “It's funny, I’ve never lived on my own before. It has its good points.”
“Will you be OK for money?”
“For the short term, I guess. I’m not sure I want to stay there.”
“Too many memories?”
“No. It wasn’t my choice in the first place. I’m going to look for something that’s more me.”Closer to the bank, closer to Ryan even.
Grace smiled. “It’s wonderful to see you moving on. You can always stay at my place. Only please, don’t go jumping from the frying pan into the fire.”
“Does that mean Ryan?” Alice’s eyebrows creased.
“It means don’t make hasty decisions,” Grace emphasised.
“I’m still finding out what it is to be Alice. I don’t plan on making any decisions in the immediate future.” Alice crossed her arms.
In the end, she had no trouble knowing who to watch. Ryan captivated her. Whatever she’d said to her friend, she felt utterly intoxicated by him. The hard ground dug into her as Alice satnext to Grace, but Alice enjoyed the sun falling on her face. After being cold on and off through the night, she could feel her body relaxing as it warmed up under the morning’s sunshine. She leaned her head back to take in as much light as she could.
Studying the men preparing to play, she found Ryan watching her. A blush heated her cheeks more than the sun ever could as she remembered the warmth of his body next to hers. When their eyes met, that perfect smile widened on his face, spreading to his beautiful eyes. Alice thought she might melt.