Page 244 of Well Played

She’s watching me!

Ryan winked at Alice as he bent over to stretch out his hamstrings. Sleeping beside her hadn’t been the best preparation for this game, not that he cared. People called this a friendly tournament, and yet no match against their rivals from the east could ever be considered friendly.

A couple of the Vikings seem OK.“Jake’s alright,” Ryan muttered to himself. “Tom Tit though?”

Sam smirked. “So, you still hate him now that he’s not living with the love of your life? Or are you upset he’s with Christa?”

“Please! Give me some credit. Can I hate him for how he treated her?”

“I just hate the man, bloody cocky. I don’t think even his own team likes him.” Sam laughed.

“Can we have a three-man block on him today … for Alice?”

“It’s a clever move. He’s easy to piss off, and then he winds the rest of his team up.”

Warming up with Sam, Ryan struggled not to watch Alice. Judging by the way she squirmed on the grass; she wasn’t comfortable either. A tiny piece of him hoped it was a positive sign. He closed his eyes, remembering the kiss by the tent. He could still taste the salty bacon on her lips and the way it grew in intensity.That was a kiss! We were alone. That wasn’t for show.

“Sam, give me a ball or two.” He asked, still watching Alice.

“You bet.” There were some things he could rely on Sam for.

“So, where did you sleep?”

“In your truck. She kicked me out. What about you?”

“With Alice.” Sam’s shocked expression irritated him. “Only in the tent, winding Tom Tit up.”

“If you say so. Be careful. You could get hurt again.”

I know!

A sharp whistle called them onto the court, and Ryan stopped to remove his tracksuit. As he bent over to free his trainers, he saw Alice’s gaze fixed on him. A smirk spread across his face as he winked at her again. Ryan adored the way it made her blush. He’d always made sure to enjoy life, but this thing with Alice felt so special.

Tom played opposite Ryan as a wide hitter; he wasn’t used to the opposition having a setter who could block him like Ryan.Perhaps that’s why he hates me. Well, I’m not giving him a reason to change his opinion in this game.

It took until the second set before the first ball didn’t reach him, and Sam was able to step in and produce the perfect set. Ryan found the sweet spot, and it drove deep into Viking’s court. It bounced inside the line, flying off into the distance. Tom stood rooted to the ground and watched it go.Why have they left him in the backcourt?

As Sam walked back to serve, Ryan lined up in front of Tom, unable to control the smirk on his face. The scowl on Tom’s facefuelled Ryan as the set continued. The Sharks had listened to Sam and were taking great delight in making sure Tom struggled to get a ball down on their court. In return, Tom had started complaining to his setter that he met a block every time he got a ball. He screamed “Higher, Wider” repeatedly, and it wasn’t going down well.

In the final set, the Sharks needed one more point to win. Tom finally got the wide ball he’d been asking for so loudly that the Sharks were ready for it. Sam swapped a look with Ryan, who took off alone, not simply to block Tom but to put the ball firmly on the ground. A perfect block.

Tom glared at him, and Ryan couldn’t help grinning as his teammates crowded him to celebrate their win.

Ryan pulled his tracksuit back on as a red-faced Tom stalked over.

“Why are you with Alice?”

“Why are you bothered? You dumped her.”

“You’re playing with her. She doesn’t deserve that.”

“What? Being happy?”

“It’s too soon.”

“Yet you’ve moved on to Miss Marx over there.” Tom looked back over his shoulder. Ryan continued. “How long should she be mourning you, Tom? I don’t see you waiting. Listen, I’ve known Alice for a long time. I don't like seeing her upset, but I’m so glad you’re out of her life.”

“Just leave her alone, Fields!”