They moved to the front of the stage and holding their hands above their heads, they all bowed as one. As soon as Devon was backstage his eyes found mine and he rushed into my arms, and even though he was drenched in sweat I didn’t have it in me to care. He was the one I’d been hoping to find, and I hoped we’d find a way to untangle all the bullshit from our lives and make it work whether we were in a band together or not. “You’re amazing,” I whispered to him as he pressed his forehead into my shoulder.
Rocktoberfest had been perfect. Even though Glenn didn’t play, Devon was perfect filling in for him. He’d grown a lot in the short time we’d been playing with us and proved that we could rely on him even if he’d fucked up more than a few opportunities in the past. “You fucked up yourself plenty of times,” Liam reminded me.
“That was different,” I said, but I knew it wasn’t. Devon was young and still figuring out what he wanted. One thing was obvious though. He wanted Johnny and Johnny wanted him, and as I watched Devon sending text after text to Johnny, I worried that them being together in the same band might complicate things. “Do you think they can make it work?”
“Babe, if we can make it work, so can they,” Liam said. We were on the way to Seattle where we’d play a few shows before returning to Sacramento.
“We’re meant to be,” I whispered to him and rested my head on his shoulder.
“So are they,” Liam said, without a lick of sarcasm. “Plus, it’s great having an opening act that shows up and isn’t complete shit.”
“Truer words have never been spoken.” I glanced at Devon again who was still tapping away. Johnny was on his way to the airport. Where we had the bus now to take us wherever we needed to go along with our equipment, they had a shitty van filled with their equipment, that one or two of them drove while the others flew because they didn’t have shit for a support team and still had to handle their equipment themselves. “I do not miss being where they’re at now. Just starting out hoping you get it right and knowing if you fuck up you might never get another chance.”
“They’re just finding their ground. But they’ll do fine, hopefully they’ll play Rocktoberfest next year. If they can keep up our paceand not burn out before then, they’ll be fine,” Liam said, and I knew he was right because he was always right.
“We should wear the kilts more often,” I said as the random thought hit me. “And I’m still considering that tattoo.”
“Whatever you want, babe,” he said.
“You know your boyfriend could have ridden with us, we wouldn’t have minded,” I said to Devon, who looked up like he’d just realized he was on a bus with a band headed to Seattle.
“I know, but he knows it’s important for the band to travel together and until I’m officially in their band then he’ll be riding with them, and I’ll be riding with you guys,” Devon said like it was something I should just know, and I guess it was.
“Have you played Seattle before?” Liam asked.
“Nope it’s all new for me. What about you?” I asked, knowing he hadn’t. He just grinned knowing I knew the answer to that question. My phone rang and I looked to see it was Vance. “Hey, man, what’s the good word?”
“Easy, can you put me on speakerphone?” he asked. I looked at Liam, who nodded his head. Rory moved a little closer so he could hear while Devon didn’t move and had a nervous look on his face. Which I noticed he did every time Vance called.
“Go ahead,” I said after setting the phone on the dining table in front of me.
“Hey, guys, I’ve been in talks with the planners of Rocktoberfest and they’ve already extended an invite to both Blinding Light.”
Devon’s eyes lit up as he now had his full attention on what Vance said next. “That’s great news, thanks, Vance,” he said.
“You’re welcome but that’s not all. It seems they want Blinding Light to play on the main stage next year,” he said and waited for it to sink in.
“Wait—can you say that again,” I asked because there was no way that could be right.
“You heard me right, Shamus. You guys will be headlining Rocktoberfest next year. So, get ready for even more madness.”
“What?” I yelled before jumping up and down on the seat I’d been sitting in. “Holy shit, guys, we’re headlining.” Everyone yelled and jumped around the bus hugging and being damn proud for all our hard work to finally be noticed.
“Shamus, I have more news,” Vance practically yelled.
“Guys, guys, quiet down.” Everyone froze in place from where they were all celebrating and listened for Vance to speak.
“Anchor Grey is confirmed too. They’ll be playing earlier in the evening, but they want them too. They said any band that’s good enough to open for Blinding Light deserves a shot at the bigger stage. You guys are on the way to the big time.”
Everyone was silent for a moment but then Rory grinned, and Liam laughed before I once again jumped up and down on my seat. Devon was playing the air drums above his head and all of us laughed at each other’s antics.
“You’re not done yet, go knock them dead in Seattle. We need to talk about a bigger tour when you get back, oh and bigger pay because we’re going to start charging more. I’ll see you guys in Seattle,” he said before ending the call.
“Fuck yes!” Rory said and punched the air before taking out his phone and moving to the back of the bus to call Kai.