“Oh yes, we’ve never outgrown the concert scene apparently.”
“And we never will,” Drake said as he walked out of the bathroom wearing his own kilt. His hair, that had been shaved a while back, was just long enough for a short mohawk that he had gelled up and colored bright green.
“Well, what are you all waiting for. Kilts on and balls out,” he said and crossed his arms over his old Sex Pistols shirt.
We were all standing backstage waiting for the cue that Blinding Light would take the stage. Excitement was thick in the air. Darkness had fallen and the crowd was illuminated by lights that moved across them as they all moved around trying to get a better view before the music started.
“How many do you think are out there?” Devon asked, as he stood there in his kilt, combat boots, shirtless, and looking hot as fuck. They’d all opted to wear the kilts Drake had brought them because why the hell not, and I couldn’t wait to see the crowd’s reaction.
I peeked out again from the side of the stage; there were people as far as I could see and that was a lot in a place where there really were no boundaries on crowd size. “I’m not sure. A lot.”
He swallowed hard and his eyes widened. “Oh shit. I might need to puke.”
“Do what you need to do,” I said and pulled back the curtain just enough for him to see. He rushed off to the side to a big trashcan and threw up.
“Oh god, well it’s not a show until someone pukes,” Easy said and nodded at the stagehand that cued him to go on stage. “Come on, guys, let’s show them who we are. Let’s do this!” They all ran onto the stage, including Devon who after a quick drink of water, didn’t look any the worse for wear as he climbed onto the riser that held his drums.
“Hello, Rocktoberfest!” Easy screamed into the microphone, and the crowd screamed so loud back at him, he was barely louder than they were. “Let’s goooooo!” The drums roared and the guitar volume turned up as they played the intro for Tangled Weeds. Easy sang about cutting toxic people out of your life and living the life you wanted, not the one they wanted to force on you. All of them wore their kilts like they wore them all the time and somehow it worked.
Devon was fantastic, and I realized I’d been holding my breath hoping he’d relax and enjoy himself, and as he attacked the drums, I knew he’d found that space where the music was all that mattered. Sweat flew from his hair as he threw his head to the beat and twirled his sticks before tossing them in the air and catching them each and every time.
“He’s good,” Glenn said from where he stood next to me.
“He’s more than good,” I said without looking away.
Glenn turned to face me before speaking. “You’re right, and I hope you really do invite him to be in your band. It would be a damn shame to lose someone with that much talent.”
“I’m just waiting until you know when you’re going back. I already talked to our manager. He’d planned to do auditions this week, but there won’t be anyone who will fit better than Devon,” I said and hated that I’d looked away from Devon to speak to Glenn, but it needed to be said.
They finished Tangled Weeds, and the crowd went crazy letting them know they loved it just as much as the guys hoped they would, and when they played the opening chords of, I Want it All, the sound of the crowd nearly drowned out Easy’s voice. Then from the other side, Drake burst out onto the stage wearing his kilt and the same Sex Pistols shirt he’d had on earlier. He stomped and danced and played with each one of the guys, throwing his head to the beat as they tried to one-up him. The crowd screamed at him nearly as loud as they had for Blinding Light, making Glenn laugh.
“This is amazing,” he said with a big smile that I totally understood. Being in a band and having the crowd love you was amazing but watching your band from the sidelines when you knew they were playing their hearts out, and the crowd loved them, was just as amazing. He slid his arm around his wife’s waist and pulled her close before whispering in her ear, and I could tell by the way she couldn’t help but move to the music she got it too.
“Hey, kid, I wanted to ask you something,” Vance said as he passed by on his way to who knew where.
“What is it?” I asked and ignored the fact I was thirty and he was calling me kid.
“You’re going to hire Devon, right?” His eyes narrowed as he waited for me to answer.
“Of course. Why would we let someone like him go?” He smirked before moving on to wherever he was going before he stopped.
“That guy’s a pain in the arse, but he’s done good by the lads,” Drake said as he appeared next to me watching them play. Drenched in sweat and looking like he’d been playing himself and not just running around on the stage.
“I’m learning he’s got their best interests at heart, but you’re right he is a pain in the ass. I’m Johnny Brown, lead singer and guitar for—”
“Anchor Grey. I know exactly who you are. You boys will be playing here next year, just you wait,” Drake said, and Glenn grinned while trying to cross his arms and getting pissed off when that didn’t work.
“How’s the broken wing, Glenn?” Drake asked and the two of them stepped aside as I moved closer to the stage. I needed to see them, and to hear them as they all played their hearts out, and Devon did what he did in every show, played like it was his last show and he’d damn well leave an impression.
“Now, you might have noticed we have someone new,” Easy said as he talked to the crowd between sets while stagehands ran out with water and anything else the guys needed. “Our drummer Glenn had an unfortunate Lego accident a few weeks ago, but he’ll be back playing as soon as he’s healed. For now, come on out and say hi, Glenn.” Easy turned to face us and Glenn kissed his wife’s cheek before he hurried onto the stage, waving his cast as he walked to him.
“Hey, everyone, what do you think of my nephew Devon who’s helping out on the drums,” Glenn asked the crowd and waved his hand at Devon who froze for a moment before pounding out a little beat. The crowd roared and Glenn waved to them all before walking back to where his wife was waiting for him. “They love him.”
“Yeah, they do,” I said, more to myself than anyone else, but deep inside I knew they weren’t alone, and I could love him so easily if I didn’t already. But right now, he was theirs and I didn’t mind sharing him this time. They played a long set and whenthe crowd protested, they played one more encore before finally Vance warned them, they were about to have their sound cut off.