Page 33 of Tangled Weeds

The lyrics reminded me of the shit we’d just dealt with and having to cut two guys out of the band at the last minute, but then the feeling of being free once that shit was gone. All those assholes in the past were like weeds that were choking out our lives and making everything suck. Devon played like his life depended on it, every tap and slam of his sticks and the bass pedal given his full and complete attention. His eyes met mine and I knew.

There would never be another drummer for us. We had to have him no matter how long we had to wait. He was just as committed as we were, and he wouldn’t play stupid games if we were together or not. Devon wanted the band to survive, and he’d do what it took to make that happen. Even if it meant playing in front of a bigger audience than he’d ever seen in person. He’d do it and he’d do it well.



The week had flown by. We practiced every day, and sat around and talked at night, and slowly I started to think of the guys as not just Glenn’s friends, but as my own. They’d all welcomed Johnny with open arms and bounced ideas off him once they realized he was a straight shooter and gave them no bullshit answers whether they liked it or not.

“We’re going to open with Tangled Weeds,” Easy said as we sat in the back of an SUV being driven to Rocktoberfest. Johnny was sitting right next to me, and he squeezed my hand knowing how unsure I felt about this song.

“Are you sure? I’m just worried that it’s all me playing. I think Glenn should be the one planning out the drums,” I said. He was the one who had perfected the sound everyone associated with Blinding Light. A perfect blend of driving drumbeats set to the guitar and bass of Liam and Rory and capped off with Easy’s lyrics. “I don’t want to fuck it up.”

Easy turned to face me from the next seat forward. “We wouldn’t have let you play this long if we thought you were going to fuck up. I played a practice session for Glenn, and he loved it. Don’t worry, you’re kicking ass,” Easy said.

I nodded, and gripped Johnny’s hand like my life depended on it, and when we pulled into the area where we’d be playing, I tried like hell not to freak the fuck out. The area was crawling with people and three stages had been set up. Each one was massive with racks and racks of lights and amplifiers lining each stage. I had no clue how many people would be here, or how many bands were playing, because there were many possibilities. It felt like I shut my eyes for a second and when I opened them again, we were pulling in behind the stage to where we’d get dressed before the show.

“Hey, guys, I managed to get you an airconditioned trailer, it’s hot as hell out here today and I didn’t want you sitting in a sweltering tent before you play. Easy, your parents are here,and oh, someone else is here to see you.” Vance grinned before looking over his shoulder as he leaned into the SUV.

Glenn waved his cast at us as Jess stood next to him grinning ear to ear. I jumped out and ran up to hug him. “How are you?”

“I’m okay. My arm should be good in a few weeks. Looks like you’ll be with them to Seattle,” Glenn said. “Easy sent me a recording of Tangled Weeds, you nailed it.”

“You really think so?” His opinion mattered more to me than he probably realized, but after playing with his band I understood now more than ever how hard it was to have a winning combination of both people and music.

“Hell yes. I mean I’ll probably tweak it a little when I play it, but you’ve done a great job,” Glenn said. He looked happy, and not stressed. I realized I hadn’t seen him look so relaxed in—well ever. “We hired a nanny so now Jess can come see us play if she wants, and she can get a break now and then from the house and kids.”

“I’m so glad you’re both here,” I said and swallowed down the emotions that both surprised me and threatened to choke out my words.

“I get it, kid. Go play your heart out,” Glenn said.

“Oh, there’s someone I want you to meet.” I leaned into the SUV where Johnny still sat and held my hand out to him. He tookit with a grin, and I pulled him out. “This is Johnny. He’s lead singer and guitar for Anchor Grey.”

Glenn looked him up and down before shaking his hand. “You guys were the warm-up for Vegas.”

“Yes, and I can’t even begin to tell you how much we appreciate the opportunity. Not to mention that if we hadn’t played, there’s zero chance I would have met this guy,” Johnny said and smiled at me.

Glenn looked between the two of us before yelling over our heads at Easy. “Not another one.”

“Hey, what can I say? Rockstars are hot,” Easy said and gave Liam a dirty kiss, making Rory groan and lean away. “Like you can talk.” Rory shrugged his shoulder and kissed Kai who laughed through it all.

“Oh my god,” Vance mumbled under his breath. “Can everyone please move to the trailer and do what you need to do before tonight’s performance. I’ve ordered food and drinks as usual and your parents are there,” he said to Easy.

“Hey, Glenn,” Easy said as he patted him on the back and the four of them led the way to the trailer. Which wasn’t exactly a trailer, more like a luxury RV with plenty of room, running water, and a bathroom.

“Shamus.” Easy’s parents greeted him as soon as he stepped inside. “Are you ready for today?”

“Yeah, we’re playing later this year, getting closer to the big guys,” Easy said to them.

“Well, we’ve got a surprise for all of ye,” Drake said and handed a bag to Rory, Kai, and me. Pointing to Easy and Liam, he added, “These two are already taken care of.”

“Oh no way,” Rory said, and held up the kilt in front of him and laughed when Kai did the same. I held mine up making Johnny laugh.

“What do you think?” Easy said and looked at each of us.

“Let’s do this,” Rory said. After getting settled into the RV, we all had something to eat while catching up with Glenn, Drake, and Enid. Jess was quiet and took it all in. As far as I knew she hadn’t gone to a concert in years and this had to be as overwhelming for her as it was for me.

“I didn’t know you guys came to most shows,” I said to Enid.