She kept her stubborn vigil as the embassy night cycle commenced, though bone-deep weariness pressed upon her. She had no intention of sleeping in this monster’s territory, no matter how exhausted she became. Hardship had taught her to seize what rest she could, but she couldn’t afford to lower her guard.
SOME HOURS LATER, ZATHreturned bearing another tray of soup and bread. Natalia jerked awake from a doze, mortified she had slipped into slumber against her will. “I’m not hungry.”
The Serp sighed. “You require rest and nourishment to integrate the modifications.” He shook his head. “Why do you resist?”
Natalia just shrugged, not meeting his gaze. In truth, she was wary of being drugged or violated in her sleep.
Zath studied her for a long moment before speaking again. “You have my oath no harm will come to you here. Please eat and sleep. Your health depends on it.”
Though reluctant, Natalia’s trembling hand lifted the spoon to sip the broth. Her abused stomach immediately knotted in protest, and she had to pause, breathing through waves of nausea.
His expression softened with concern. “Go slowly. Your system is still weak due to your stubbornness. No other human female has had side effects for so long after the injection, because they were sensible.”
Natalia managed a few more spoonsful before pushing away the bowl, the measly portion already too much. Zath collected the dishes without comment and brought her a cup of medicinal tea instead.
“Drink this to settle your stomach. The nutrients will help you heal.”
Too weary to resist, Natalia sipped the bittersweet liquid. Her eyelids soon grew heavy as it soothed her queasy stomach. She barely stirred when Zath carried her to the bed, covering her with a soft blanket.
“Rest well, brave Natalia,” she heard him murmur before sleep claimed her.
OVER THE NEXT DAYS, Natalia continued resisting nourishment, suspicious of Zath’s motives. He remained patient but firm, coaxing her to eat small amounts and drink the medicinal teas.
“You’re only hurting yourself with this stubbornness,” he said in quiet frustration after Natalia pushed away another barely touched meal.
“Maybe death would be preferable to being a slave,” she said bitterly.
Zath regarded her somberly. “I vow you will be no slave of mine, Natalia. In time, you will come to see the truth and learn your place is beside me, not beneath me.”
She blinked, staring at him for half a minute without speaking. How she longed for that to be true, so it would be easier to slip away from him. “I wish I could believe that, but I don’t. You have too much to gain, and I have too much to lose if I capitulate.”
He gave her a sad look and nodded once before leaving her room.
NATALIA WANTED TO CLINGto her hatred, but Zath’s gentle insistence on caring for her eroded her distrust bit by bit. One evening, he arrived bearing another bowl of light broth and hunks of soft bread. Natalia’s stomach rumbled at the savory aroma, reminding her she’d managed only a few bites at the midday meal.
He seated himself across from her and broke off a piece of bread, holding it out with his clawed hand. “Just try a small amount. The synthicator is quite good at capturing the fresh-baked taste from my understanding. Serps don’t eat bread though.” He sounded almost regretful about that. “We are carnivores.”
Too hungry to refuse, she took the offering and nibbled the edge. The fresh-baked taste exploded on her tongue. Before she knew it, she’d devoured the morsel. Zath gave an approving rumble, tearing off another chunk and passing it over. She hesitated only a moment before accepting it. Slowly, she finished the bread while he ate something that smelled like grilled meat.
When she’d cleaned her bowl of broth as well, he said, “Your appetite is improving. That’s good.”
She shrugged, unwilling to admit it was thanks to his insistent care. “I suppose living as your prisoner requires some effort to stay alive.”
His expression became solemn. “I hope in time you won’t see it that way. I aim to prove myself honorable, not the monster you believe me to be.”
“Why does it matter what I think?” she asked with a trace of bitterness. “I’m just a slave to be used for a year.”
He rose abruptly, his tail lashing in agitation. She tensed, instantly regretting her words, but he only paced to the window, gazing outside at the bustling human city below him without speaking for a long moment. “Such destruction.”
“Your cities and planet. They’ve endured much destruction, just like we all have, yet new life is returning. Amidst the rubble, PODs house humans and Faction alike. People strive to rebuild and cling to hope.”