“I...yes, I guess so. What’s your point?”

At last, he turned, his black serpentine eyes unreadable. His response didn’t answer her question. “You are no slave. I hope someday, you will see me as more than the beast you expect. For now, I will wait.”

With that, he excused himself, leaving Natalia to ponder his cryptic words. What did he hope she would see in him that she didn’t already? And why did part of her wish to find out?

Chapter Two


Zath could scarcely contain his anticipation as he awaited Natalia’s arrival. The chance to take a mate, something he’d never expected, filled him with fierce longing. The humans called it a “year of service” but to him, this female would be a lifemate if they were compatible.

He’d chosen carefully upon reviewing the candidates who would be easiest to modify for him. He’d been spoiled for choice, having four females from which to choose. He knew the proctors thought him crazy to have selected the defiant prisoner, but he’d sensed something special in her when he observed her fevered pacing from the security logs before making his decision. She had a warrior spirit and would birth strong hatchlings. His cold blood heated at the thought of claiming her soft body and planting his seed.

Yet he knew he must be patient. She was predisposed to hate him and wouldn’t even want to mate with him for offspring, let alone to form a real relationship, at least, not yet. So, he would wait, wooing her until she came to accept him. Only then could they create a true bond.

At last, she arrived, led between guards, her blonde hair filthy and matted, body swallowed by tattered rags, but her chin was high, green eyes blazing, as she faced him without flinching.

Zath dismissed the guards, circling her slowly while admiring her courage. Her scent was strange yet alluring, a feminine musk mixing with her defiance. It stirred his primal serpent instincts to dominate, yet also triggered unfamiliar warmth.

She trembled with rage at his bold appraisal, though whether from fear or indignance, he did not know. Likely both. When she declared she’d rather die than be his, Zath was undeterred. Her fiery spirit only intrigued him more. She was untamed, a wildvrashforced into his nest. He would need to be cunning to make her accept him, but cleverness was the Serpentine’s nature.

In time, she would come to crave his embrace and beg to bear his offspring. He was sure of it. The thought sent a heady rush of anticipation through his blood. For now, he would bide his time like the predator he was. His tenacity would win out eventually.

Zath approvingly noted her strength. Weaker spirits broke in this moment. When she dared speak bitterness against him, Zath only admired her defiance. She would never yield easily. His worthy mate.



Zath studied Natalia closely as she picked at the meal he’d brought to her quarters. She ate little, but it was progress after many days of outright refusing sustenance.

Her blonde hair had regained some luster after he’d provided grooming amenities. The clean garments emphasized her delicate curves rather than obscuring them as her rags had. She was still far too thin and pale, with dark circles beneath those green eyes. Yet the defiant spark in their depths remained undimmed.

He kept his tone gentle, hiding his frustration. “You must eat to regain your strength. There is no shame in it.”

Her glare could have melted his scales if he were a lesser being. “I won’t subsist on the scraps of my captor to better serve his twisted purposes.”