“No,” Avery said. “I don’t think so.” Her shoulders slumped as disappointment filled her.
She read through the lesson plans, which had changed from yesterday. The drama class was no longer combining with the lit class, which of course had a different sub anyway.
It was just as well the lesson plans were different. She could work with her classroom of students, talking Shakespeare and practicing some stage work. If only Gabe was here for that. If only she had treated him better the day before. She had been so determined to protect her own heart.
But her heart was different now. After the bell rang and the announcements began, Avery sat at the teacher’s desk and pulled out her phone.
AVERY: I hear you’re leaving soon. The janitor is going to be crushed.
She pressed send. There wasn’t much time for back and forth before he was gone halfway across the world, in a place more desert than here. But what was Avery really hoping would happen in the last week he was in Phoenix?
Her phone pinged. Avery nearly fell over in her chair.
GABE: Not half as crushed as Emmett. Poor boy already knows something is up.
Her heart skipped a beat at his quick reply. Then an idea popped into her head, excitement growing.
AVERY: Where will Emmett go while you’re gone?
GABE: Don’t know yet.
AVERY: My mom has been asking about getting a dog. She gets pretty lonely during the day. I bet she’d love to watch him.
GABE: That’s a lot to ask. You don’t have to do that.
AVERY: She wants to. We’re going to adopt one anyway. Maybe you could bring him by and they could meet?
School announcements were over. Avery put her phone away and switched into teaching mode. All the while, in the back of her mind was a bit of hope and happiness.
If he brought Emmett by for a visit, she’d have a chance to say goodbye to Gabe. And his dog was sweet. Mom would love to have a companion if it worked out for them to watch him. Of course, Avery would have to take him on walks until her mom’s foot fully healed, but that would be a good thing.
Calm down, Avery. Maybe Gabe wants something else.
Friday September 5, 5:45 PM
Avery’s feet ached as she pulled books out of the return bin in the back office and set them on a library cart. Despite wearing her purple tennis shoes subbing all week and at the library in the evenings, the time on her feet was catching up with her. On the plus side, she was getting lots of steps in.
She had kept checking her phone, watching her steps increase. At the same time, she noticed Gabe hadn’t texted her back. As much as she tried to put him out of her head, it was impossible. Clearly he was busy and didn’t want to see her.
It was over, Avery. The end. Move on. He clearly didn’t want to leave his dog with her.
Then, her co-worker opened the door behind the front desk and poked her head in. “Hey, Avery, there’s a really cute guy asking for you.”
Gabe? Was it really him? Avery fiddled with her hair, then stepped through the door.
“Marshall. What are you doing here?” Her smile turned down.
His hands were in his pockets and he sheepishly looked at her. “Can I talk to you real quick? I’m headed back to Flagstaff in a few minutes.”
She sighed and nodded, leading him outside to stand under a tree. The sun was low in the sky, the colors already turning into another iconic Arizona sunset. She’d rather be sharing it with Gabe than Marshall.
“What?” She folded her arms. Inside she was annoyed that he clearly didn’t take no for an answer, but she tried to be patient.
Marshall kicked a pebble from the sidewalk back into the landscaping. “Whoever this other guy is, I wanted to say he’s really lucky.” He looked up, his eyes sincere. “Because you do seem happy. As much as I wish I was the one making you happy, I guess I missed my chance.”
Avery nodded, wishing this awkward conversation could be over so she could move on with her life once and for all.
“Avery?” A familiar voice came from behind her. She quickly pulled away from Marshall and turned to see Gabe.