“Uh. Hi. What… what are you doing here?” Avery said awkwardly.
He held up a stack of books, the same ones she had helped him find and check out when he was subbing for history. “Returning these. Before I leave town.”
Marshall glanced at Gabe curiously, and Gabe returned the same look. “Hi, I’m Marshall.”
Gabe nodded. “Hi. Claire’s brother, right?”
Marshall narrowed his eyes. “Yeah. Do you know her?”
Avery panicked. “Long story. No, short story. Gabe dated Claire over the summer, but they broke up. Then Gabe and I met while substitute teaching and became…” What exactly? “Friends… and stuff.” She cringed.Classy, Avery. But theyhadn’t exactly “dated” or been boyfriend-girlfriend. And she wasn’t about to say “kissing buddies” or whatever.
Gabe looked very amused and annoyed at the same time. This was a disaster. “But he’s headed off to Egypt next week. For a long time.” As she said it, sadness crept in.
Seeing her ex across from Gabe made the differences in them all the more obvious, not to mention her opposing feelings for each of them: annoyance and resentment for Marshall, and admiration and respect for Gabe.
“What are you going to do in Egypt?” Marshall asked.
“Archeology. Fulfill my dream of being Indiana Jones.”
This was too weird, the two of them talking to each other.
Marshall nodded judgingly. “Oh. Interesting. Good luck.”
The three of them stood in silence until Avery couldn’t handle it any longer. “I’ve gotta get back to work.” She held up the envelope. “Thanks again, Marshall.” They hugged awkwardly and Marshall stole a kiss on her cheek. She watched as he headed to his car and drove away.
“I’d better, uh, get these books inside before the library closes,” Gabe said, shifting the books in his arms. “Don’t want to make any librarians mad.”
She turned toward him, hoping for some sort of sign he had any interest in her left. “You could have dropped them into the drive-thru return on the side of the building,” Avery said quietly.
“I know,” he said.
She followed him inside, her co-worker sneaking a wide-eyed glance.
“Have you given any more thought to what you’ll do with Emmett?” she asked, Gabe’s back to her as he deposited each book into the return slot by the front desk.
Finally, he turned. “Yeah.” He ran his hand through his hair. “I mean, it’s a lot to ask. But could I come by tomorrow, so Emmett can meet your mom?”
Avery nodded enthusiastically, knowing how happy it would make her mom. Emmett was a good dog. Plus, it could give her a small link to Gabe while he was gone. “Yeah. Definitely. Let me know what time is good.” She wanted to say more, but the clock was ticking, and she had closing duties to complete. “See you later?”
He folded his arms, his body stiff, his face placid. Gabe didn’t look like his regular jovial self. If he had been here to see Avery, seeing her with Marshall probably made him rethink his visit. What a mess.
Behind Gabe, her co-worker mouthed, “Another guy?” Avery knew she’d have to explain herself later. Heck, Avery had a hard time keeping it straight in her own mind, her relief seeing Marshall leave mixing with the confusion of how Gabe felt about her.
“Well, I’d better go.” Gabe turned to leave.
“We’re over,” Avery blurted, Gabe’s eyes widening. “Marshall and me. He’s leaving for good. I told him that it was over.” Avery let out a big sigh. There was so much more she wanted to say, but felt she owed him that much.
“Oh.” He nodded, offered a small wave, then disappeared out the door.
Saturday September 6, NOON
The only time Gabe could come by with Emmett was around lunchtime, but of course Avery was working at the library. How was she going to explain to him that she felt nothing whatsoever for Marshall?
She wondered if Gabe even cared at this point. He was so busy finalizing his life here so he could head to Egypt, he probably hadn’t given her another thought. He had visited herat the library, though. But that sort of blew up in her face. Still, she couldn’t let him leave without explaining.
AVERY: Sorry to miss you bringing Emmett over. Hope it went well. Can I at least say goodbye?