Page 58 of Substitute for Love

Gabe shook his head. Time to go back to work. Why was he so gullible? And why did he listen to the students, anyway? He was the one in charge. He jogged back into the building, realizing something. He took the dare because it was a test for Avery. The students had caught him looking at her as she walked toward her car, and they dared him to go kiss her right then. He knew if she refused, he would for sure know they forsure were friends and they had no chance. But even though Avery kissed him, Gabe was still as confused as ever.

He opened the door of the classroom to everyone clapping. He rolled his eyes. “I’m going to get into so much trouble for that.”

“Worth it!” one of the senior boys said and fist bumped another student. Gabe had to agree. His impulsive side had yet again gotten the better of him, but in this case he’d do it again. Avery had chosen to kiss him for whatever reason, which was better than the alternative.

“Alright, I won the dare,” Gabe announced. “That means you all are QUIET as… as… as Indiana Jones tiptoeing through a tomb of snakes while you do your assignment.”

A few students made faces at his comment, but to Gabe’s surprise, they dutifully got to work and hardly said a word the rest of class.

He grabbed a stress ball and leaned back in the teacher’s chair. So, Avery had seen him and Claire hugging. He closed his eyes and sighed heavily, trying to let out his frustration. Should he try to explain things to Avery? How the hug meant nothing between him and Claire? Gabe wondered if Avery even cared. They had agreed to be friends, but then she had kissed him. Had it meant something?

A ping on his phone notified him of a new email. It was his professor. “How’s it going on the sponsorship paperwork? Deadline coming fast.”

The archeology project was what he wanted, more than anything. He’d waited years for this. In the meantime, he’d discovered he was good at teaching, and he discovered a friendship-maybe-more-situation with Avery. But neither were anything that couldn’t wait until after this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

“Working on it.” Gabe typed his reply. “Not to worry.”

Truthfully, he was a little bit worried. He didn’t have a lot of time, and he didn’t have a lot of options. Although he was about ready to send the paperwork to his parents, he still needed to call them and explain himself. Prep them a little before they opened the email asking them to sponsor his trip. What would he say to them? This was a make-it-or-break-it moment. He could NOT mess this up.

He needed a phone conversation script writer. A writer, anyway. Avery? She had said she’d help him with his grant, and this was technically part of the grant. So yeah, she’d probably help him. He wanted her help. But Gabe didn’t want to seem too desperate. But if she came over to help him, maybe he’d get a chance to explain the whole hug in the parking lot thing.

Yeah. He wanted her to know Claire meant nothing to him. That he wanted Avery. But only if that’s what she wanted.

Who was he kidding? If Avery liked him, she wouldn’t try to help him leave town for months. Wouldn’t offer to help get Gabe out of her life. So yeah, clearly he was reading too much into the kiss. In fact, maybe she resented the whole Claire-Gabe thing and was even more motivated than ever to get him out of town.

“Mr. Manwaring? Mr. Manwaring?”

“Huh?” He looked up. A lone student with a backpack over one shoulder stood in front of him.

“Bell rang. School’s out.” The student exited as Gabe said goodbye and waved.

Wow. He had been so deep in thought he hadn’t even heard the bell or anyone else leave.Get it together, Gabe.Clearly, he had to get over Avery. He had let himself get too distracted. It was all about the archeology trip now. He pulled out his phone.

GABE: Need some help on the project tonight. Are you available after dinner?

AVERY: Sure. As long as all the student dares are over.

GABE: Promise. This is strictly business.

He sent Avery his address, then headed home. After a quick dinner and playtime with Emmett, he got to work on his laptop. Gabe read through all the paperwork again, making sure he wasn’t missing anything. It was ninety percent ready by his estimation. He could finish the last bit before Avery arrived, then he could email it to his parents.

One step closer to digging up history, like Indiana Jones. He thought of the time his parents took him to see an anniversary movie marathon showing of the three original movies. Gabe hadn’t even asked—it had been their idea. Besides their Egypt trip, it was one of their best family memories.

It was what really made him want to be an archeologist. Not only because Gabe loved ancient history and discovering and studying civilizations, but also because it seemed to make his parents proud. They hadn’t been there for him much, but they had come through for the archeology stuff. So why was he so worried about this phone call?

Maybe he didn’t deserve this after all. He could have been doing more with his life—in work, in love, and in being a better son. His parents never called him, but when had he reached out to them?

That was one thing he liked about Avery. She was a good daughter. Her mom obviously loved her and even depended on her, and she was glad to help. Their relationship was so loving and what he wanted with his own parents. Or a significant other.

So what was he waiting for?

With more speed and focus than before, he finished his paperwork, tidied his apartment, and was ready to let Avery in when she knocked at 6 p.m. He opened the door too quickly, allowing Emmett the chance to run toward Avery.

“Emmett, no!” Gabe yelled, reaching for Emmett’s collar. But he was already jumping all over Avery, licking her face and acting like she was a long-lost friend.

“Hey there, boy. Ack!” Avery closed her eyes and let her head fall back and laughed the kind of unfiltered laugh of joy. It reminded him how much he wanted to make her laugh so he could keep hearing it.

No, Gabe. Stop it.This was strictly a platonic relationship. It had to be. Avery deserved better than him, and it was time for him to grow up and move on.