He grabbed Emmett’s collar and got him down. “Come on in. I should have put him away before you came.” He led the dog to his bedroom and closed the door. Emmett whimpered for a bit, then was quiet.
Avery was still by the front door, having shut it behind her. “Nice place,” she said.
“Thanks.” He ran his hand through his hair. “It’s not much, but it’s close to the school and has a good walking path for Emmett. You want something to drink? Ice water?”
Avery nodded. “Definitely.”
They went into the kitchen, where his laptop was still open at the kitchen table. After not being able to fix his old one, he bit the bullet and bought a new one. He grabbed a big movie cup and filled it with lots of ice and water. “Here you go. The Phoenix special.” He extended his hand and she reached out to meet the cup, her fingers slightly touching his in the process. He lingered for a minute before letting go, thankful that Avery was here, though he wondered her true motivations for helping him.
“I want you to know that Claire and I are not together. She showed up at the school and it was not my idea.” He blurted it out before he even really thought through it. But now he had said it, the burden had lifted.
Avery stared, not blinking, holding the cup of water in front of her. “Oh, I see.” She took a long drink of water.
Should he press further? Maybe this wasn’t the time. At any rate, Gabe had told her. He cleared his throat, hoping it would also clear his mind. “Let’s get to work, then.” He nodded toward the kitchen table, and she sat in the seat next to him so they could both see the screen. “I was hoping you could double check my paperwork, then I had another final thing I need help with.”
Avery set her cup on the table then nodded. “Yep, anything you need.”
He glanced over at her. “Thanks. I really appreciate it.”
She elbowed him. “Anything to get rid of you.”
Gabe stifled a smile. “Ouch.” He knew she was saying it playfully. Wasn’t she? “So why’d you kiss me, then?” He slapped his hand over his mouth. Dang it. His chest filled with fire at his unfiltered moment. He didn’t mean to say that out loud.
Avery’s eyes widened. “Well, for one thing, you wouldn’t quit talking. I figured that was the only way to shut you up.”
Gabe took his hand off his mouth and narrowed his eyes at her, pretending to be offended. Obviously he had been blabbering at the time, so of course it made perfect sense.
“Oh. In that case, it worked, I guess.” His heart sank. So it had nothing to do with romance. “Good.” He swallowed down his disappointment, the blood draining from his face.
He noticed Avery’s eyes stealing a glance at him, and his awkwardness got the better of him. “Uh, okay. So. Hmm. Here.” Gabe showed her his paperwork and let her read it alone while he grabbed a notebook from his bedroom, trying his best to keep Emmett from following him back out again. He wandered around the kitchen, getting himself a drink and a snack while Avery read.
She looked up. “Looks good so far. Could I use your bathroom for a minute?”
He nodded. “Yep, down the hall.”
She headed to the bathroom and he sat. Avery had left her phone screen up on the table. After she had been gone for a bit it pinged and a text message showed on the screen. He wasn’t trying to pry, but it was hard not to see the message right in front of his face.
MARSHALL: Can’t wait to see you this weekend.
Gabe’s heart sank even lower.
Chapter 20: Avery
Tuesday September 2, 6:15 PM
Avery returned to the kitchen after using the bathroom. She went to sit back down, and Gabe scooted his chair away from her.
He quietly focused on the computer screen and didn’t acknowledge her. Gabe was acting so odd. Quiet. Serious. Avery had never seen him like this. What had she done? Was it because she told him the kiss in the parking lot meant nothing? That must have been it. She had half regretted kissing him, knowing it could give him the wrong message.
But then he had cleared the air with his comment about Claire. So it was all her, according to Gabe. Interesting. That changed things.
She had to admit, it was so gosh darn hard not to flirt with Gabe Manwaring. Mr. Playful. Mr. Fun-loving. Except right now he was Mr. Serious. She did not like this side of him as much.
“You okay?” she finally asked.
“Sure. Yeah. Fine. Never better. We gonna finish this or what?”
Avery lifted an eyebrow and tried to read over his shoulder, offering help as needed. After they went over his paperwork and deemed it complete, she asked, “So what’s this other thing you need my help with?”