Page 25 of Substitute for Love

“Mmm hmmm.”

“And Avery, er, Miss Williams looked pretty mad.”

“Mmm hmmm.”

Gabe glanced around. “Where did she go?”

“She left.”

Crossing his arms, he tried to hide his frustration at himself. Normally playing around during class didn’t end up like this. It was all his fault the student got hurt. Adding to it was this embarrassment being so thoughtless in front of Avery. No wonder she left.

“But,” she added, “she didn’t leave because of you. Her mom is in the hospital.”

“Oh no.” He uncrossed his arms. “Geez. I hope her mom is okay.” Part of him was relieved Avery didn’t leave because of him, but now he was worried for her.

“I’m sure Miss Williams will take very good care of her,” she said, pulling a muffin from her desk. “Here. Nothing like peach cobbler flavor to brighten your day.”

Gabe raised his eyebrows. “You’ve been experimenting, huh?”

She nodded as she handed him the muffin, which he promptly shoved into his mouth.

“Two thumbs up!” He tried to say while raising his thumbs, his puffed cheeks full of muffin, crumbs spilling out the side.The burst of flavor made his tongue tingle with delight. He headed back to the empty gym. He shot hoops until the next class started. Throughout the day, several teachers came to assist during their own prep periods. Of course, they weren’t as pretty to look at or as fun to flirt with.

During 8th period, Mr. Fletcher came in to help. “I don’t know how much help I can be with all the youngins running around, but I can yell pretty loud.”

Gabe smiled. “Perfect. You’re hired.”

As the two men stood waiting for students to arrive, Mr. Fletcher asked, “So did the PE teacher get sick at the last minute, or…?”

“The other new substitute, Miss Williams, had signed up to cover this class, but she had a family emergency.”

“Oh,” Mr. Fletcher said. “So, did you two know you’d be team teaching today, or…?”

Gabe ran his fingers through his hair. “I mean, yeah. We signed up at the same time. I guess we sorta planned it.”

“I see,” Mr. Fletcher said, waggling his eyebrows.

“But it’s not like that,” Gabe protested.

Mr. Fletcher put his hands to his hips. “The way you looked at her in the teacher’s lounge on Monday suggests otherwise. At least that’s what the other teachers are saying.”

Gabe’s eyes opened wide. “Whatexactly are teachers saying?” Shoot. If people were saying things, he was too obviously flirting. A sinking feeling appeared in his stomach.

Students started to file into the gym. He shrugged. “Time to start class,” Mr. Fletcher said, cupping his hands. “Gather ‘round! Let’s take roll!”

That evening as Gabe walked Emmett, he kicked himself for not trying to get Avery’s number. Was her mom okay? Was she planning on subbing the next day? Had she thought about the Fall Fling on Saturday?

No. Stop it, Gabe. You’ve gotta get yourself under control. Don’t plan your life around someone else. Do your own thing.His parents had always told him to “grow up.” As a teenager, he didn’t appreciate the sentiment. But maybe they were right.

He returned home, fed and watered his dog, then sat on the couch and wrote an email to his former professor, asking about the status of the project. A “yes” would change everything. He’d have to find someone to take over his lease, and he’d have to figure out someone to take Emmett for the foreseeable future. It broke his heart thinking about leaving him behind, but he’d be working long days, and transporting an animal overseas wasn’t easy. If only his parents still lived in the States. If only they would allow a dog at their place. If only he still spoke to them.

When Gabe was surrounded by people, he had all the friends in the world, but he wondered if anyone knew the real Gabe. The deep down Gabe. What he was really missing, he had realized, was a deep connection with one person.

The Substitute App dinged. An opening for a history class for Thursday and Friday. The teacher included instructions, which explained the coursework would be about ancient civilizations. Bingo! His favorite.

He clicked “accept” and tried to go to sleep.

Chapter 9: Gabe