Thursday August 28, 7:30 AM
Gabe arrived at school a little earlier than normal. He told himself he wasn’t anxious to see if Avery was there, but he was lying to himself.
He had tossed and turned half the night, trying to get Avery out of his head. How did someone he met only three days ago stay on his mind so much? Maybe it was a crush. But even past crushes or even what he thought was the real thing didn’t feel like this. Not his most recent relationship, or anyone else for that matter.
“Good morning, Doreen,” he said as he entered the building.
She handed him a sub binder and a muffin. He sniffed it. “Another peach? This might become my favorite, even over poppyseed.”
“Don’t get too attached. My sister brought a box of peaches down from Utah and they’re quickly running out.”
Before Gabe shoved the muffin in his mouth, he was tempted to ask her if Avery was coming in today. But he didn’t want to give anyone else at work more reason to tease him about liking her. Did he like her? Sure. But it probably wouldn’t go anywhere. So why bring attention to it?
He headed toward the history class. In all his time subbing, he’d never covered for this particular teacher. As he walked into the room, his eyes went big. It was like a museum. Maps and pictures of artifacts and a display of clay pyramids and a bulletin board with students’ drawings of hieroglyphics.
This was awesome.
Gabe knew he could fake his way through teaching any subject, but this was his thing. Not only history, but ancient history. His college major. His true passion.
On his phone, he flipped through to photos of his trip to Egypt. His graduation present from his parents. The time they really listened to him and did something he loved.
He read through the lesson plans, which included discussion and getting the students started on slide show projects about different aspects of ancient civilizations. He found the teacher’s connector so he could show photos from his phone on the projector.
For once, he was prepared ahead of time, and it was like a new part of his brain was firing off. The students trickled in and he was ready.
Thursday August 28, 2:00 PM
By the time 8th period rolled around, Gabe was exhausted. Teaching was always tiring, but today had been different. He had connected to the students more. The material meant more to him. Today had filled him up in a way subbing hadn’t before.
He was probably also tired because he hadn’t had a prep period yet. But having it last meant he could go early, unless another teacher needed coverage. Time to visit Doreen.
“Any other classes need a sub this period?” he asked.
“Nope. You’re good to go.”
He nodded and handed her the sub binder.
“Andshe’snot here today, in case you were wondering,” she said.
Of course he had wondered. All day. How her mom was doing. If she thought he acted like a doofus yesterday—which he had, so he had hoped to get a chance to apologize. He caughthimself watching for her in the halls, in the teacher’s lounge, or in other classrooms as he passed.
“Who?” he asked, playing dumb.
Doreen smiled. “Maybe she’ll be back tomorrow.”
Gabe headed toward the exit, then turned. “Does this school have a library?”
“Yes, dear, but Mrs. Cox left a bit early today. What do you need?”
He thought for a second. “There’s a book from college I wanted to show the students tomorrow, but I think I lost it in a move. Maybe I’ll check the local library. Never too old to get a library card, right?”
Gabe searched for the library on his phone and tapped on directions. It was only a few miles away. But the route took him right by his ex’s work. That reminded him, Gabe needed to find a new gym.
He could easily go a different way.C’mon Gabe, be a grown-up.The question was, would he turn his head and scan the parking lot for her car?
Of course he would. He was too curious not to. He turned and drove by the business park with a bunch of stores, restaurants, and the gym. There it was—the little red Mini Cooper—his ex’s car parked right up front.
Did he still have feelings for her? He could honestly say no. She was pretty and fun, but she didn’t always get his snarky jokes, and her world revolved around working out. They had gone on hikes, and even Emmett loved her, but she was all about her looks. Like all of Gabe’s past relationships, he didn’t realize they didn’t match well. And Gabe regretted not seeing sooner she had only wanted a surface relationship. And he didn’t want that anymore. He craved something real. More grown-up. Something deeper. Something long-lasting.